Saturday, May 14, 2011


As a spiritualist and universalist, I love to spend some free-time learning about religions and spirituality. And well, I read some informations about hell and heaven, the afterlife world that occured beyond and below us. To enter heaven, we must believe in God and accept him, and we must apply kindness in our lifetime. Those who did not know God will be perished in hell forever.

Here's what came out from my mind; for those who did not recognize God because they were in a remote area in which did not recognize religions, would they also be perished in hell? if God stated that he truly love his creations, especially humans, how could he be so heartless, throwing those people to the everlasting darkness, FOREVER? A person may only have 13 years in her lifetime, but these 13 years would determine her afterlife world. Compared to a person who own 90 years of life, this is far from fair. By having 90 years of life, he or she would have more time to develop kindness, to repent from sins. Maybe, when this person was 13 just like the first person I have mentioned before, he or she was doing bad things along with the first person. Yet, the first person eventually died and have no time to know kindness and develop it, while the second person has more time to do that. Because of this, the first person went to hell, and the second one deserves heaven. Is this fair?

The God I know is truly loving, pure and perfect. All religions have stated that God is kind. If he is kind, he would not perished Lucifer to hell forever because he knows t, there is another way to punish Lucifer, but in the other better way that would change him. He would not create hell because he knows how frightening it would be for us. He would gave many chances for us.

Well, that's just my thought, and my opinion. So I'm still questioning the existence of hell, yet I more likely to believe that it is not exist. If you still believe in hell, well it's up to you. We all have the right to believe in something.

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