Friday, October 10, 2014


The past couple of nights I've been experiencing some messed up dreams, probably after having such a mad week full of deadlines. I've been having dreams like this since I was a kid, but as I grow up the dreams are getting creepier and realistic. It feels like I've been through hell's very own valley of death and darkness. But I do realize they are no longer bothering me, giving me insomnias and adrenaline rush when I wake up. In fact, I begin to notice that even the things that people fear, like darkness, have their own artistic side. Now I'm in the state where I'd wake up from a nightmare thinking "wow that's pretty fucked up... but hey that would make such a good horror movie scene, it would scare the shit out of people for good." But well, if you have phobias and/or paranoia, please do not continue reading this. 

I made some quick sketches of my nightmares last night, the creepiest ones I can remember:

The black eyed girl and the short haired one on top left were a doppelganger of myself. The short haired girl was a younger version of me and I saw her long time ago when I was in that particular age (7 years ago, so I was 12 at that time). I was stuck in my old house and everything  was as still as stone except for myself, so I went around to find out what's going on. That's when I saw a copy of myself standing from the other side of the window (she was outside of the house) giving me a cold stare. When I tried to approach her she took a knife and began stabbing herself on the neck. As for the black eyed girl, I saw her few days ago. She was my own reflection on a mirror, and I noticed there's something wrong with the reflection because my eyes appeared all black. I figured it was the light of the room that made them look that way, but I tilted my head to every direction and the eyes look all black, still. But hey, that girl has some thick and long eyelashes so I got that going for me at least.

Now I'm gonna write about the story behind that bloody guy hanging from the tree. Like I said, I might've went to the darkest valley in the underworld. It appears that I wasn't alone in that dream though, I went there with some people including a priest. He took us around for a "tour" and it was very clear that the place was full of rotten dead bodies. The ones I remember the most are that bloody guy and his twin brother... His body was melting slowly from the lava that heats up the tree and each drop of his melting body parts dropped onto his dead brother's body, laying underneath. After observing the twin brothers, we stopped by at a river nearby, there we found two other dead bodies,  a man and a younger girl who might've drowned into that river to death, but they still have all of their body parts with them and they haven't rot yet, unlike any other bodies we found in that place. The priest murmured some kind of spell and the two were brought back to life. Too bad I woke up without knowing the fate of these two. 

Pretty creepy, right? I know they are, they used to be a reason why I fear the darkness and why I find it hard to sleep. But one thing I know is that they are no longer scaring me, instead they give me inspirations to my artwork. I'm getting bored with drawing all the adorable and innocent ladies with fancy dresses (or b00bies) (don't get me wrong I just can't draw guys), or kind-looking animals. I'd like to try something new, something mature and freakish, and my dreams are giving me a hand for that. 

On the other hand, considering that dreams are a reflection of one's deepest thoughts, I think my dreams are trying to remind me of my mental issues that I need to take care of. 

Anyway, after all those dreams I was rewarded with an awesome scene from my dream last night. I had a cup of coffee with John Lennon and Paul McCartney last night, can you even believe it? And it wasn't so surprising that he asked me to "imagine living life peace", hehe. Sketch of it coming soon :)

To end today's post, I'm gonna put this right here. I figure it suits today's topic pretty well.