Sunday, March 29, 2015


Sorry that I've abandoned this blog over a period of time. Not that I don't want to write anymore, I really do but I have no idea what to write, or rather, how to express my thoughts in the simplest words possible. Lately I've found comfort in expressing my thoughts in a form of art, usually a drawing followed by a short prose. It's more challenging to me that way because to make things seem artistic, I cannot be too literal; I have to put metaphors and the drawing has to support both the metaphors and the actual meaning of what I'm trying to express. But that's what I like to do. 

Another reason for this brand new 'hobby' is because I don't like to express my feelings directly. While I do love to share thoughts with people, I'm not very comfortable with doing a 'heart-to-heart' talk (or 'curhat'), not even to my best of friends. Not that I don't trust them, I have hard times explaining how an event would make me feel because the feelings are pretty complex (considering that I'm a very empathic person) and many times I've been misunderstood. So I thought illustrating these feelings into something easier to understand might help, and hey, it does help. Also, by expressing my inner thoughts this way, I make people think and observe too, I stimulate their minds to think deeply and analyze my drawings and proses, connect them with current issues we have in our world. 

I'm considering a career in illustration (probably between science and philosophy/slice of life) due to this. I'm not gonna call myself an artist just yet because I still have much to learn and I haven't yet maximize my talent. But I do know that my passions are drawing and writing. I draw, therefore I am.