Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kisah Kezia di Sekolah

Mari kita bicarakan sesuatu yang ringan dalam bahasa indonesia karena entah kenapa bahasa inggris gue jadi ancur sejak pulang liburan dan gue lagi nggak mood pake bahasa inggris. oke, baiklah. saya akan menumpahkan semua rantaian kata di blog ini.

Jadi udah seminggu gue masuk sekolah! horeeeee! yah sebenernya biasa aja sih. dan segala sesuatu di sekolah jadi terasa aneh entah kenapa. di sisi lain, gue makin gila dan teman-teman gue jadi korbannya. resiko memang, barangsiapa yang berteman dengan gue harus siap mental kalo sifat gila gue keluar. gue memang terlihat alim dan jaim di publik, tapi ibarat kado, itu hanya sebatas bungkus #eaaa. Anyways, gue merasa jadi lebih rajin semester ini; semoga saja sifat rajin ini berlanjut sampai selama-lamanya. Locker gue yang tadinya amburadul di semester lalu gue tata dan hias seartistik mungkin. Karena gue pecinta lingkungan #eaaa, gue bikin box biru khusus buat spidol segala warna, penggaris segala jenis, dan pensil warna dari box susu HiL*. Gue sampe bawa napkin biru segala buat ngalasin locker. Teman-teman yang suka nebeng barang ke locker gue sampe terpana sama perubahan drastis locker itu (ini merupakan kalimat hiperbola, sebenernya merekanya biasa aja sih muahahahahah). Gue yang tadinya moody banget soal catat-mencatat jadi rajin nyatet, pake dihias-hias pula. Dan soal kelas sih, gue sih nyaman-nyaman aja di kelas gue yang sekarang. Lagi-lagi gue ditaro di kelas yang isinya anak jenius semua. Gapapa, justru bagus banget itu! Woooh! yeaaaahhh! #ganyante

O ya, dan sekarang gue punya kebiasaan baru di sekolah; bawa Play-Doh. Anak-anak cowo di sekolah kan pada bawa rubix tuh, nah gue bawa Play-Doh biar g4h03lz. Kalo nggak percaya, silahkan cek locker saya sambil mengagumi ke-artistik-an isinya. Gue paling demen nyanyiin lagu ciptaan temen gue yang salah liriknya berbunyi "my heart is not okay" dengan menggunakan play-doh itu. Jadi Play-Dohnya gue bentuk jadi hati dan selagi nyanyiin lagu itu, gue robek hatinya. Kan, "my heart is not okay". Nangkep ga sih? Apakah kalian mengerti, wahai pembaca post ini yang terkasih? yah pokoknya begitulah.

Nggak enaknya, selama sekolah punggung gue sakit entah kenapa. Gue berasa nenek-nenek jadinya. Mau duduk mesti hati-hati, mau berdiri mesti pelan-pelan. Puncak rasa sakitnya hari ini. Tadi gue duduk di koridor dan pas udah masuk, gue ga bisa berdiri. Akhirnya gue minta tolong seorang teman buat ngangkat gue, tapi yah lo tau sendiri kan kalo gue ini berbadan tinggi besar? Alhasil tangannya pun kesakitan HAHAHA. Sakitnya udah seminggu loh, sejak pulang dari pulau. Ga sembuh-sembuh sampe sekarang, menyedihkan.

Segitu dulu deh ya, gue gamau yang baca post ini stress sendiri (padahal belom tentu ada yang ngebaca juga -.-----). Dannn ini adalah foto anak-anak di kelas gue! #jengjengjeng

"Beloved Family and Friends", kengerian abadi

Sunday, July 24, 2011

An Irony in Our Beautiful World

My deepest condolence for Norway, especially for the seventeen victims of this tragedy. This shouldn't happen in such Peaceful country. Well, this shouldn't happen in every single place existing in our earth. These terrorists have no idea that they were attacking themselves, their families, as they did this, since all humans are one from the beginning, and for forever.

Humans wish to have their peaceful life in the earth for thousands of years. We would do anything to get it, including killing each other and starting a war. Ironic.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary stated the meaning of Peace;

1: a state of tranquillity or quiet: as a : freedom from civil disturbance b : a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom <a breach of the peace>
2: freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions
3: harmony in personal relations 
 Does war reflects the description above?

If it is for peace, then we do not get the true peace, and will never get it. People who claimed that they did this in the name of peace created fear and suffering hearts among their brothers and sisters. Yet we cannot blame them forever for what our people have to suffer; they are lost. They want peace, something that everybody wish to had, and they try to find it. Thus, some factors may closed their eyes from the wonderful truth about the way to peace; brutal environment and childhood misery for example. 

Brutal environment came from the ego of our species; the ego to rule everyone else and to make us seemed as the most righteous person. As we create brutal environment, victims from this environment would do the same thing to people around him/her.

Each time a face of a terrorist is shown on the media, we would feel a deep hatred toward this person by the idea that he killed many innocent people. But have we find out what personally happened to this person? None of us really know. But once again, we can all visualize something that this person may hid from his eyes. We can never judge a book from it's cover, right?

Have any of you ever noticed that every problems our world suffer from came from a single thing called selfishness? Selfishness seemed simple, sometimes what we have in mind when thinking about selfishness is two sisters fighting over a doll, something like that. Now we have the idea that selfishness is very powerful to create bigger problems with bigger effects. All of the ironies we have in our beautiful yet cruel world came from selfishness. 

So how can we get rid off selfishness?

By realize that we are all one.

It sounds simple, and you find this sentence in my previous posts, you may be bored of it! But it's true and effective.

None of us wanted to attack ourselves, right? The people around us are also a part of us. If we hurt them, we hurt ourselves. A true and simple fact that we should all know from the beginning.

I hope that we will hold our hands together from these tragedies very soon, end 'selfishness' together as one.


Saturday, July 23, 2011


Maybe I'm being too happy for months and now it's time to feel sad and lonely again. I'm not in a good mood lately, but it's okay cuz come to think of it, you will never feel satisfied from the power you use to get up from sadness into happiness. I've been there, and I was so satisfied that I never feel so happy before. So maybe I was placed in a hole of sadness, coming from many things that haunted me lately, to find a way out and to show it to the people who are sitting in the hole with me.When I still can't struggle away from this hole, I just have to think positive.

So many things happened, attacking my mind and heart. Last night I feel like I wanna die. I remember that I used to have the same feeling months ago. And then, a light healed my mind and heart and I feel like embracing everyone every single day. I laugh everyday and I just can't stop smiling. Even in annoying conditions, I was still smiling around.  Right now, I miss those times. I'm frighten for everything that would happen to me while I'm stuck in this hole.

But I think, it's okay to feel this way sometimes. You can never compare happiness when there is no sadness. You can never feel the excitement of being happy when you never feel sad. In sadness, you learn many lessons that you might need to feel happy later on.

Anyways, to brighten up the post, I shall put a happy face here! Soon, I'll be the girl on this picture below when I already escape from the hole and help others climb their way out :D


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Bucket of Happiness from the Beach!

Hello! I just came back from an island far away from the city with family. the place is worth to spent 3 days and 2 nights for a relaxation in the brand new from of nature! It's fun to sit on the beach and let the waves catch my body and soul, to say hello to the colorful fishes swimming around, and to collect shells (my hobby since toddler years lol), and to walk on the soft and smooth white sand. Snorkeling around the island was so much fun, I'm happy to have a chance to see such colorful world of the ocean!

And I so I went home yesterday with a bucket full of shells, and... happiness :) I did not came there in coincidence. The nature has invited me to join them in such wonderful moment that I will never forget. One thing I learn from here is that the nature has uncountable amount of gifts for us to enjoy and to share together, as long as we work together with nature to live a peaceful and harmonious life in this unverse!

Anyways, I just realize something unique about nature. I just noticed that the theory of yin-yang really does occurs in nature! If you take a look at the beach, the deep blue ocean combines with the cream-colored sand in beauty. the color blue vibrates orange aura, and the color cream is pretty much near to 'pale' orange. In the forest, you noticed that purple flowers grow around the beautiful green forest. The color purple vibrates green aura, which means that purple is the opposite of green; yin and yang. cool. How can God came with such wonderful ideas, I wonder?

That's all for now. Namaste!~

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Steps to a Happier Life

1. It's okay for us to feel sad but we are worth to feel VERY happy.

2. Love everyone without any exception, developing the power of unconditional love.

3. Enjoy life, along with the tragedies. Tragedies are the box of a gift we receive from the Universe!

4. When someone hurt us, remember that they are lost. They forget that we are a part of them. Try to remind them about this by reflecting the power of oneness! :)

5. Enjoy every single thing we have, even the most simplest thing of all like the air, the rain, etc!

6. The pain we feel in life is just an illusion. The life we live today lies in a dimension of dreams. By having the thoughts that the pain isn't real, we heal ourselves from the sufferings we had!

7. Looking for an angel to help? Be the angel for everyone around us instead!

8. Stop seeking. Be the answer of everyone's wish :)

9. Don't judge people. Stop talking about their flaws. It will create such negative effects in our lives. Talk about their kindness instead!

10. It would be better if we express our fear, anger, and sadness in creativity (such as theater class, poetry, etc), without hurting anyone. Feel the effect and the fun as we do this :)

11. Nobody, not even a single person, could hurt us mentally and emotionally without our own permission. We're all too strong for that :D

God is in you, and God is in me. Namaste!~


Notice that sad emoticon I put on the title? Yup. today is my last day in Papua. However, I have a strong feeling that I will go back someday, not sure when tho. So I'm not as sad as the first time I leave this town for good and move to the city. My dad would have his pension time in 2 years so I would still have a chance to return to this wonderful town someday :)

So far, I've been enjoying the night sky with the constellations, meteors, pleiades the seven sisters, the moon, jupiter and mars. During the day, I travelled around the forest to see of there's any dancing spirits around, climb the gigantic rock and feel the water from a river nearby, and walk around a place on the mountain. I usually went to the fitness center in the afternoon to burn those calories up (I'm getting sick of people calling me "ma'am" because of my body shape LOL), have a wonderful home spa and meditation. I did those things all alone, which makes me feel lonely most of the time. Still, I love this place very much. A part of me wanted to stay here forever, a part of me misses my friends in the city and school activities. Labile, huh? Well, that's teen-ish! LOL

I will be leaving tomorrow and stay at a hotel near the airport for one night. I'm going to miss this place very much. But I'm VERY sure that I will go back again someday. If only I can enjoy the moments I had in here with my buddies. They have no idea about how much I miss them all! I can only meet few of my friends for a couple of days right before they leave sooner than I am.

Thanks for the peace, the love, and the light of inspiration, Papua. No matter what they say, my heart always belongs to you. For my soul is a child of Papua.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Four Musketeers

Let's talk about something 'light' today. Well, this is my 3rd week in Papua, and it's rainy around here. I love to sightseeing the scenery through the window of my room and enjoy the peaceful rainfall. Then I feel like seeing myself, along with 3 girls, running around outside and enjoy the rain shower (of course it's not a shower that we take twice a day LOL). I just remember that it's been a year since we moved away from this beloved town and survived on our own in each different cities!

I spent a wonderful year with these three, best friends of mine during junior high days. The ones that accept my 'abnormality' and are ready to listen to those 'abnormal' stories of mine! 

There's Amy, the silly and easy-going being, a friend of mine since elementary school. She's my childhood friends so she understands me the most. In some cases, she's the most mature from all of us since she's the oldest, so she's the right person for advices. She's very empathic and often shares the same ideas and thoughts as I am. One thing that I will never forget about this person is that she always did her 'dance' when having the need to go to toilet! (I'm sorry for writing this, My XD)

There's Imel, the smartest from all of us She rank 2 in class! Although she's new, she's very talkative and fun to be around with. She always had these crazy ideas dancing inside her head that lead us to an adventure! I always remember the time when I had a crazy plan with her for Amy or Pricil :P (Peace off, both of you!)

There's Pricil, the youngest from all of us, and the most cheerful, happy, and patient. I never see her angry and I'm ashamed of myself for reflecting the opposite back then! One thing memorable about her is that she blushed too easily when embarrassed, it's so easy to tell when things make her feel that way! 

We battled against examination together, we succeed together, we climb that giant rock on a complex together, we jumped into the cold waterfall when raining together, we play 'swing fight' together, we planned to film a parody of Dora the Explorer (which will be Dori the Destroyer LOL, too bad Pricil moved right before we could filmed the movie) together, we had a race on that rocky road barefoot-ly together, oh and when it's we got tired of playing outside, all of us would gathered at my house to play THE SIMS3 :D We created a family, and the members are all of us. We created the Sims version of us and made a huge house with so many facilities! Amy's Sims was running around at the beach all alone at night and met with a funky guy LOL. Imel's Sims was sleeping at someone else's bed, Pricil's Sims was the one who plays at everyone's laptops, and mine was... crying over a new painting at our house -_-

I miss all of them each day. It's sad to know that I cannot rewind the time to enjoy those moments again. I miss the time when we laugh when there was actually nothing to laugh at, or the times when we jumped and take pictures. Thank you for the memorable moments, you three! Nowadays, it would be hard for us to meet each other even if it only takes a day since we live in different cities that are far from each other, and we've been busy with high school activities. But maybe our thoughts and faith would unite us again, who knows? Maybe someday we'll meet again, either in the future or the next cycle of life. 

Well, you know what they say...


Saturday, July 2, 2011


Yes, I am here, I am present, with all of you! And I'm grateful that I can finally wrote some words after a few days :) So I'm not that busy anymore and I spend time by doing home spa, relaxation, exercise, concentrating (but I'm still dealing with laziness when doing this LOL), etc. But I'm overdoing these so I'm being too spiritual and forgot about my own physical life, so I have to enjoy the life with healthy earth things either.

So this is my 2nd week here in Papua, going to the 3rd one tho. I don't know why but I miss school already, and most of all, my friends there. And of course, when school starts everyone wants some vacation. This happens all the time LOL. I also passed my old school sometimes, and having some sweet flashbacks. Nowadays, it's hard to hang out with my old friends, since most of them live in different cities which are far away from where I live now. I can't even meet my best friend who lives near my city, and it's been a year since all of us leaving Papua.

And I've been witnessing many changes here, they make me feel sad. Some playgrounds and a gold field are being crushed down, so there are less facilities for people to have fun with. And from what I saw, people are being too stressed up with their jobs. They deserve some fun and good laughter, they deserve some rest from all of those stressing work. After all, being too stressed up isn't healthy! Some parents are criticizing the school's condition, and some students were being bullied. If only I can do something to help, but I have nothing to do with this school and this town now.
