Monday, June 6, 2011


It's pretty simple so I'm not going to give a long explanation about this. Avoid those anxiety and worries. Think positive instead. Our mind is very powerful. Think about this, when you feel afraid that you will not gonna make it in a project, then you WILL fail. When you feel that you have the potential to do the project and finish it, so shall it be done.

If God creates us according to what He is, we have the potential to 'create' because he IS the creator. We have the potential to make a reality from our minds. What I mean is, our faith depends on our mindset. You get the idea.

So I try to think positive about my future and the present itself. I used to think that I'm not gonna fit in very well in this new environment. So yeah, now I tried to change my mind set. And everything turns up fine ever since. I feel like I could get along with others pretty well, and it's not as hard as I think it will be.

That's all for now. Namaste!~ :)


  1. thank you :D I got the inspiration from the book "Conversation with God". It's a worth book to read :DD
