Saturday, June 4, 2011


This is the 5th part of my self-cleansing program. As for today, I've done a short meditation (maybe I'll resume it before going to bed since it is usually the best time for me to reach my alpha state) with an aromatherapy and a special power stone chained in a bracelet I bought lately.

Meditation is, indeed, an activity in which we activate our consciousness to be able to 'see' something, or simply relaxing our mind, body, and spirit. It's pretty simple; we just have to feel as relax as possible, control our breath, and close our eyes while sitting down in a proper position. Maybe, as well as I am, aromatherapy or power stone (crystal, quartz, etc, depends on what you're going to do in your meditation) will help you feel more relax and concentrate. In a meditation, you would feel like you're floating or 'out-of-your-body', don't be afraid because fear will block your mind and consciousness. Focus on your goals, your true self, what you are going to do in life. Or you can focus on something you've been wondering about for long, such as your past life, guardians, or just simply clean your chakras and aura. When you still have no idea of what you want to share to the world, or what you're going to be, ask your inner self about it, and let the intuition guides you to the answer. Believe in every 'sign' or 'information' you'll see. Meanwhile, if you already own the dream to become something, tell yourself that you're going to work hard, and you'll become what you want. Picture yourself doing what you want while you speak to yourself about what you'll become. Remember to not overuse your energy while meditating, otherwise you'll get tired afterward. When you overuse your energy, you'll feel a headache or something spinning too strong between your eyes (the ajna chakra). Calm down and chill. The point of doing meditation for self-cleansing is to fulfill your questions and the mysteries of you, so you are no longer lost in confusion. If there's many thing you want to focus on during meditation, focus on them one-by-one. When you already find the answer of one thing, focus on the next one, and so on. If you don't feel anything, maybe you have to practice your intuitions and develop your energy by practicing focusing method.

As for me, I ask my guardians and God to give my family some fortunate (since we're currently facing a financial problem) because my parents have worked so hard and they deserve something better. I also pictured safety for my hometown (since it is now in danger), put all my worries about the future and pictured myself becoming what I want, while promising that I will work hard for it. Well I'm not finish with the meditation yet. There's a lot of thing to think about in meditation. And I was not literally concentrating due to anxiety and guilt because of something. So I haven't done the effective meditation.

Notes from me:
If you're doing meditation to clean your loneliness and the feeling of being abandoned (I felt this way few months ago so I totally understand), perhaps Gayatri mantra will help you. Here's the link:
Try to understand the meaning, the hidden message inside this beautiful mantra. Speak it with your heart...


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