Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I did a lot of mistakes that I can never forget.

And yet we all did unforgettable mistakes, leading us to karma.

And without mistakes, we will learn nothing.

Without mistakes, there will be no adventure. 

Without mistakes, life would lose its direction.

Our greatest teacher is our own mistakes.

In fact, there is no such thing as 'wrong' and 'right'. But there is appropriation, depends on what we do.

To make a conclusion about universal appropriation, we need visualization, which is the 'wrong' and the 'right'.

Mistakes are our personal adventure of life. Do not blame ourselves for the mistakes we did. Take the mistakes as our experiences to learn and to gain wisdom.

Because the wise themselves, learn from their own mistakes.

Take a courage to have mistakes and to take some lessons out of it (but of course, this doesn't mean that we have do the same mistake all over and over again XD). Everyone's doing it.

Make peace with yourself. Mistakes are like the heat that purify a diamond.


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