Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So many emotions around here today. Some people dance in joy, some of them mourn, some of them were stumped, some of them laugh, some of them feel... nothing. All of these emotions combine in each day we all spent together. Pretty strange yet beautifully true. All of us are humans spending the same day in the same world, but having different journeys and different sensation. A person hated mathematics because he cannot answer a single question from his worksheets, another different person thinks that math is like a part of his soul because he were given the ability to calculate easily. A person loves a glass of lemonade and another prefers a cup of tea. A person would give his empathy to those who committed suicide, but he then murders people apathetically. A man marries a woman because he loves her, but there are some men who seek women, and also women who seek men, to satisfy their sexual desire.  All of us born in different times yet we all grow, and at the end, we're all gonna die and then reborn again. And there will be new generations that will do the same thing, and they will give birth to newer generations that will do the same thing their elders do. All humans from each generation were given 24 hours each day, and seven days in each week. Same given time, different problems, different global issues, different global habits. We cannot change the given time; there is no such thing as 25 hours a day that is. but we're all progressing from 24 hours to another 24 hours, even though the time given remains constant. We are amazed by the earth's past, and the past were amazed by its own future. Most of us forgot to appreciate the present, being too busy thinking about the future and the past.We seek brighter future, but we forget to brighten our present. We cannot go to the present if we did not step on the past. And also, if we are one and connected to each other and we're always present, why doubt the history and the future? Religion, too, is a part of the history, but some of us are able to describe it even though we're in the present and history is a study about the past. Why do we have myths, if humans are always inspired by their surroundings and their own world? And if evil gives balance to kindness, why punish the bad guys? If the kind executes a murderer for murdering an innocent child, is he doing the same crime by taking the life of this murderer? Why people would most likely to investigate a robbery rather than a gangster attack? Why all of us seek a piece of gold due to each preciousness when each existing stone has its own uniqueness? Given the ability to communicate using our tongue, why create languages if we can use a single language?

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