Thursday, November 1, 2012


I haven't mentioned that term for a while, having afraid that people would judge me again (so most of the time I use 'crystalline' instead because it's not as common as indigo). Well it was actually my fault so I don't blame anyone and I'm quite thankful for what has happened to me because it made me wiser. Besides the fear of judgments I began to feel that a label is unnecessary so since then I've never addressed myself as an indigo to public anymore. However, I feel the urge to share my opinion about the true  meaning of this 'term' in here. 

Thanks to technology, I'm able to communicate with interesting people from all over the world. Social Networks, as well as this blog, give me the opportunity to talk with new indigo friends and wise, nurturing people, reunite with 'old friends and family', and share knowledges. Their words are blessings to me, and by this post I want them to know how special they are to me. They gave me insights and enlightenment to understand myself as well as the universe, and those are what I've always been craving for. 

My indigo friends are very empathic and psychic so we often do fun things to train our abilities together. I find out that every single one of us have a prominent psychic and non-psychic strength/ability, which is very interesting. I've literally met some in astral projections and dreams as well as participating in some fun psychic games with them. We also drift ourselves into deep conversations, and this post is related to one of our topics, which is about 'indigo as the chosen ones'. 

To be honest, I've been disturbed with the fact that people are referring 'indigos' as 'the chosen ones', giving the impression that indigos are superiors and special compared to others. they even make this local TV Show about indigos showing their skills and abilities to see ghosts or spirits or whatever (which are obviously fake) just to entertain others. How can I tell that it's all fake? Well, true indigos do not use their abilities for such unnecessary stuffs. The abilities true indigos have are for helping others, not for entertaining purpose. Looking from the way they act in front of the camera, it's just so obvious that they're faking it. I'm not even surprised when I hear complaints about this  show from other local friends that are like me. It's like people are exaggerating this phenomenon (which is what I've mistakenly done years ago. but thanks to my developing mind, I now understand how annoying this could be). 

Besides giving such impression, I personally don't think that indigos really are the chosen ones. Just because indigos are psychic empaths doesn't mean we are the chosen ones, psychic ability is just a gift indigos have to develop. And developing an ability is proper ethic for all, because everyone has a gift to be used in this world.
Someone asked me if he an I, as indigos, are the chosen ones, and this is my (extended) answer:

"Well I don't know about others but in my opinion, nobody choses me to do a certain task in this world. I'm just repeating what others do; living and dying. I feel the urge to help others, as well as nature, because like everyone else I'm not a permanent occupant in here. The foods I eat, the air I breathe, the water I drink, are not mine. It would be so rude if I end up destroying everything nature has lovingly given me for free, so I have to return the favor."

Indigos are not always conscious enough to nurture each other, though. I once had a not-so-nice argument with an indigo friend of mine. And I still do mistakes and bring troubles which I believe as a normal thing because everyone, not to mention indigos, has flaws. that's why every single individual has a prominent ability to cover other people's flaws. 

So my conclusion is, indigos are not any different from anyone. We're all the same. 

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