Saturday, October 1, 2011


"Why"; the most essential question and, most of them are worth asking, the root of all remaining questions. Without why, we cannot go further to understand the proposition, and with no enough knowledge nor understanding given from the answer of the question 'why', there will be no way out; colliding on the wall that covers the truth all over and over again. and so, why people drowned themselves in darkness when they realize they do not belong there? why people hate? ... why people believe in God? or why God believe in people? when we were little, some of us asked "why are we here?" instead of "how did we come here?", because "why" will provide key points to "how". Why exists because there are reasons. And answers from 'how', 'when', 'where', 'who', are also reasons.

Perhaps this has a connection with judgements, chaos. Why people judge? because they do not go deeper and they did not know the reasons. Reasons can be discovered from 'why'. Why people are being chaotic? because once again, they did not know the details of the reasons. Why some reasons remain as a riddle engraved in myths and mysteries? because we didn't ask about it so we did not had a chance to unlock the edge of the chaining proposition.


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