Monday, October 10, 2011


I repost this post from Les Floyd, a loving spirit, as my honor to Harry Moseley, the young hero who passed away yesterday.

Rest in Peace, Harry. it's not the end and it's never will be :') we will continue your achievements like it has no end.

Harry Moseley died last night.

He was 11-years-old.

He’d spent more than a third of his short life battling an inoperable brain tumour – though it was never a battle he fought alone:

He had the endless love and support of his mother and family, his friends, all the members of the medical team that took care of him over the years, and from the many, many thousands of people he touched while he was still with us.

He died at home, in his mother’s arms, nearly two months after slipping into a coma due to complications resulting from an operation to save him.

Despite the trials and trauma of his own sickness and ordeal, he made and sold bracelets in memory of his friend, Robert Harley, who he met in hospital and who, sadly, died in 2009, aged 55.

Harry helped raise over £500,000 ($777,000) for cancer charities in the UK. He never raised money for himself.

He was special.

He is special.

Amidst the outpouring of grief and condolence, we must remember that there are so few people who – when their journey to this Earth is done – leave such a legacy.

There are creaking, leather-faced banking executives in their 80s who - despite all their wealth, all their perceived power and all those years - never came close to shining as brightly as Harry did.

Like when a star collapses at the end of its life, Harry’s passing has been marked by a brilliant wave of light… of love… and while he may have physically left the world, his energy is still rippling through us.

There will be people out there who, in years to come, will be comforted and even saved through advances made by the research his fundraising efforts paid for.

Every person who has been touched by yesterday’s news now carries a shard of Harry’s light in their own hearts.

This is his legacy… an energy he transferred to us… as his final gift to the world, before parting.

We could hold this light within and it would eventually fade to the dimness of memory.

Or, we could lift it up above our heads and let it shine again, by carrying on with Harry’s selfless mission to raise money for cancer charities.

Let’s help Harry raise £1,000,000… and let that be just the start.

If you'd like to donate to Cancer Research UK, visit Harry’s website:

If you’d prefer to donate to cancer charities in your own country, please do so.

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