Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I believe such thing does not exist. If we live in coincidence, why do we dream? why do we wish? hopes are meaningless, as well as chances. Without chances and hopes, life will be nothing but monotonic. we do not learn from monotonic life, when everything happens without explanations nor reasons.

Even tossing a coin and having the 'garuda' side as the result is not a coincidence. Before doing so, we already had two obvious choices; the garuda, or the currency. And yet the choices exist due to our expectations. the result, indeed, depends on how we toss the coin. (and yes, when I wrote this I was inspired by those math problems on 11th grader worksheets -_- well, nevermind.)

This law applies to every specific occurrence, indeed. So keep dreaming, keep wishing, keep working for what you want! The decision is in your hand ;)


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