Friday, October 21, 2011


Di sekolah gue itu jurusan IPA terbagi jadi dua, yaitu Biology dan Physics. Biology tetap belajar Physics sih, dan Physics tetap belajar Biology. Bedanya, Biologynya Biology itu lebih kompleks dibandingkan dengan Biologynya Physics, begitupun sebaliknya.

Kebetulan gue mengambil peran sebagai anak Physics di SMA ini, meskipun secara jujur sebenarnya gue lebih ke biology. Tapi gue pengen jadi designer atau astronomer atau arsitek, jadi gue masuk physics haha. Awalnya sih nyesel karena pas gue liat aktivitas anak biology kok seru banget ya, banyak banget kegiatan labnya... tapi lama-lama sangat bersyukur karena biologynya biology super kompleks. sementara physicsnya biology dan physics cuma beda tipis.

Gue sudah menjadi anak Physics selama hampir setahun. Dan inilah efeknya: Kalo lagi bengong, gue lihat sebuah benda, gue mikir secara spontan; Forcenya berapa, Massnya berapa, Center of Gravity-nya berapa, dan elasticitynya berapa.... banyak banget lah hahahaha! Kalo ada kejadian aneh dikit, misalnya   anak jatoh atau sejenisnya, gue ngoceh sendiri "itu pasti karena nggak balance blablabla..." hahahahah! Gue jadi 'terlatih' untuk berpikir secara scientific... Bahkan untuk main games pun, seperti the sims 2, gue harus menerapkan ilmu sains untuk membangun rumah! Kan ceritanya gue mau melatih diri menjadi seorang arsitek lewat media the sims 2 dengan cara membangun rumah-rumahnya sendiri (dan habis itu keluarga yang gue buat diabaikan), dan gue paling ga suka kalo bangunan yang gue buat terlalu simple ataupun nggak simetris. Pernah satu kali, gue bikin mall... dan tiap ruangannya gue hitung baik-baik. ada yang dua bangunan berukuran 10x10 yang berhadapan dan posisinya harus simetris. Setelah 2 jam berlalu, udah memberi cat dan jendela untuk tiap ruangan, dan akhirnya gue rotate... jengjengjeng!!! ga simetrissssss!! posisi dua bangunan berukuran 10x10nya nggak sejajar satu sama lain! wah aku bahagia sekali!!! Mungkin bagi anak lain, ini tuh hal yang biasa. Tapi buat gue itu suatu masalah besar *lebay*

Oke, so far, itu efek yang gue alami selama gue menjadi anak physics. Nah, let's talk about the biology students! Soal 'makhluk hidup' mereka emang pakarnya... Kalo udah ngomong sama sesama anak biology tentang organ-organ tubuh, systems blablabla, gue udah ga connect lagi. Mereka emang lebih banyak praktek sih, jadi banyak ngerti.

Dari pengamatan gue terhadap anak biology, mereka itu sering membicarakan tentang 'biological activity' (kalian pasti mengerti maksud saya) dimanapun kapanpun... secara biasa saja sementara anak-anak disekitarnya sudah mengerinyit. Bahkan di kantin pun mereka asyik membicarakannya sambil mengunyah makanan masing-masing.

Well that's all for now! Cheers! :D


You know what they say,

and to be able to do this, we will need one necessary element, which is EXCITEMENT :)

Pretty simple to explain; remember the day when you feel excited as you woke up in the morning and ready to taste the day's adventure? compare this with the time when you loose your desire to 'live' and cherish the day. When you feel excited, the day will be so much fun and you end up feeling happy and satisfy. Meanwhile, when you begin your daily activities with a bad mood, everything will end up in a horrible way. 

By this, it's pretty clear that excitement is a positive energy and one of the element needed to have a better and colorful life. Everyone deserves a colorful life, which is why 'excitement' exists in the first place. God created this universe with excitement, and this explains why our nature is so very artistic and marvelous! Just like God, we create our own reality. When we 'create' excitement in our mind, everything will seem adventurous in wonderful ways. This brings joy and happiness to the person. 

Accept everything, no matter how simple it is, with excitement, because everything given to you is a gift that you will need in the future if you think that way. No one wants to have a bad day just because one's keeping his/her negative mood all day long! That will be a waste of life time X)

picture by Noor Iskandar
Life is an adventure!

So live happily! :D


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This place were once a beautiful reality. It was so beautiful that fairytales looked like pieces of nonsense. But now, the world has been injured very badly... I won't even dare to feel every pain people went through. I receive bunches of bad news, some of them came from the people I know who knew nothing and are innocent... which make me sad. Yesterday, I heard that the father of my beloved friend, whom I haven't talked to for a long time, was fired from the company he worked for and expelled from the town the whole family lived in, and their family can only have a day to pack everything while they have to leave the town by the next day. This made me cry last night, I can't even imagine the nightmare and agony they have to face. Also, the war, abuses, rapes, kidnaps... They're all seem so ridiculous. The worst part is, I can't do anything. well actually, it's not that it's impossible to help, but I really have no idea what to do. Things aren't suppose to be like this. We could've live happily and peacefully.

And it's all because of the long search of power. Everyone wants power to control anything they want so things would run according to their own desire. And controlling means taking over people's rights and make them helpless so they will obey the rules given by anyone who is the most powerful. That's not fair. It never is.

Just look at all the 'illness' our earth suffered from. War, for example. there are groups of individuals in war who are competing to win the battle. To gain victory, they need power, and the most powerful of all will win and survive.

Someday, all of us will realize that power isn't necessary because everyone has it, equally.

Someday, all of us will stop the long-last agony and heal all the traumas together.

Someday, all of us will hold hands together and leave the old dark world to the brand new one.

I hope these wishes will not stay as written sentences for a long time.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I repost this post from Les Floyd, a loving spirit, as my honor to Harry Moseley, the young hero who passed away yesterday.

Rest in Peace, Harry. it's not the end and it's never will be :') we will continue your achievements like it has no end.

Harry Moseley died last night.

He was 11-years-old.

He’d spent more than a third of his short life battling an inoperable brain tumour – though it was never a battle he fought alone:

He had the endless love and support of his mother and family, his friends, all the members of the medical team that took care of him over the years, and from the many, many thousands of people he touched while he was still with us.

He died at home, in his mother’s arms, nearly two months after slipping into a coma due to complications resulting from an operation to save him.

Despite the trials and trauma of his own sickness and ordeal, he made and sold bracelets in memory of his friend, Robert Harley, who he met in hospital and who, sadly, died in 2009, aged 55.

Harry helped raise over £500,000 ($777,000) for cancer charities in the UK. He never raised money for himself.

He was special.

He is special.

Amidst the outpouring of grief and condolence, we must remember that there are so few people who – when their journey to this Earth is done – leave such a legacy.

There are creaking, leather-faced banking executives in their 80s who - despite all their wealth, all their perceived power and all those years - never came close to shining as brightly as Harry did.

Like when a star collapses at the end of its life, Harry’s passing has been marked by a brilliant wave of light… of love… and while he may have physically left the world, his energy is still rippling through us.

There will be people out there who, in years to come, will be comforted and even saved through advances made by the research his fundraising efforts paid for.

Every person who has been touched by yesterday’s news now carries a shard of Harry’s light in their own hearts.

This is his legacy… an energy he transferred to us… as his final gift to the world, before parting.

We could hold this light within and it would eventually fade to the dimness of memory.

Or, we could lift it up above our heads and let it shine again, by carrying on with Harry’s selfless mission to raise money for cancer charities.

Let’s help Harry raise £1,000,000… and let that be just the start.

If you'd like to donate to Cancer Research UK, visit Harry’s website:

If you’d prefer to donate to cancer charities in your own country, please do so.


Have you ever been bullied? Stabbed from the back? Witnessed a fight between your family? Cheated? Well don't worry, I feel ya. No one wants to be hurt. Meanwhile, we're all probably wondering why that happened, why it has to be you... And this leaded many of us to depression.

Now, you may noticed that you're putting yourself in this question as the object. This is one of the example of egoism; you're being the primary key of the question. And sometimes, you feel like you didn't do anything wrong, right? It's just happened. So let's try changing the question to "why did they do that?". Remove the egoism away, since the law of the Universe said that egoism will not solve anything ;) and yes, everything happens for a reason. There IS a reason behind the ones who bullied you, or behind the fight your family just did. 

I've wrote about 'the significance of why' few days ago, and this has something to do with that. "why" is the primary key to find reasons, which is why this question is very important. Look at the ones who hurt you. Do they looked upset, sad but trying to hide it by putting a mask that said "I'm the boss here!"? These type of people could be easily observed, you can see the difference between the upset ones and the ones who would just go with the flow... They're actually vibrating energies, and all of us were actually born with this ability to feel each other's energies. Can you guess what your best friend felt today? Can you feel the happiness from your mom when she successfully cook a dish from her newest recipe book?

And there you have it! That's why they did that to you! They're trying to hide what they actually felt, trying to look strong enough, trying to look like they have no problem at all. 

So now, how do you feel? Still pressured by those people who bullied you, stabbed you from the back, or  your family who were just fighting each other? Remember this, objectivism always works! :D


Saturday, October 8, 2011


I went to the street at night to enjoy the metropolitan-ish view at the evening. Among the lights and musics, I found young souls begging for food and ladies smoking their cigarettes. Then thoughts came; things aren't supposed to be like this. These facts saddened me as I came home and inspired to write a poetry.


Oh Metropolis, brood for your distaste of delinquency
Witnessing your people defiant laws and spared the malicious
Innocence dwindled in outrages
The truth is afar from your existence

Oh Metropolis, can you hear sinister laughter among prominent images?
Can you taste drops of alcohol and insanity?
Can you see the corpse flopping through darkness?
Can you feel sea of cold hands touching your walls to survive?

Oh Metropolis, bequeathing mysteries
Watching thugs brandishing their guns to heroic combatants
Silent in conspiracies and humiliation
Endeavored to embrace the bright side

Oh Metropolis, the vicious voice, hypnotizing you...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I believe such thing does not exist. If we live in coincidence, why do we dream? why do we wish? hopes are meaningless, as well as chances. Without chances and hopes, life will be nothing but monotonic. we do not learn from monotonic life, when everything happens without explanations nor reasons.

Even tossing a coin and having the 'garuda' side as the result is not a coincidence. Before doing so, we already had two obvious choices; the garuda, or the currency. And yet the choices exist due to our expectations. the result, indeed, depends on how we toss the coin. (and yes, when I wrote this I was inspired by those math problems on 11th grader worksheets -_- well, nevermind.)

This law applies to every specific occurrence, indeed. So keep dreaming, keep wishing, keep working for what you want! The decision is in your hand ;)


Saturday, October 1, 2011


"Why"; the most essential question and, most of them are worth asking, the root of all remaining questions. Without why, we cannot go further to understand the proposition, and with no enough knowledge nor understanding given from the answer of the question 'why', there will be no way out; colliding on the wall that covers the truth all over and over again. and so, why people drowned themselves in darkness when they realize they do not belong there? why people hate? ... why people believe in God? or why God believe in people? when we were little, some of us asked "why are we here?" instead of "how did we come here?", because "why" will provide key points to "how". Why exists because there are reasons. And answers from 'how', 'when', 'where', 'who', are also reasons.

Perhaps this has a connection with judgements, chaos. Why people judge? because they do not go deeper and they did not know the reasons. Reasons can be discovered from 'why'. Why people are being chaotic? because once again, they did not know the details of the reasons. Why some reasons remain as a riddle engraved in myths and mysteries? because we didn't ask about it so we did not had a chance to unlock the edge of the chaining proposition.
