Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I get insomnia almost every night nowadays, and it's all because of my mind. It keeps showing me strange pictures and scenes like flash cards. One night, I decided to cooperate with my mind and take a closer look to those pictures. It was quite hard to catch up at first, but after a minute I was able to follow and understand things I saw... Hmm, I actually need some time to write this experience down so my apology if it's quite messed up.

My mind drove me to an empty city; all of the buildings were made of stones and were designed in such specific way (I wish I could illustrate how they looked like someday). Someone stood there waiting for me, someone with blue skin. He brought me to one of this building where there was an old television and a rope hanging on the ceiling. The TV showed a war scene in a European city and I immediately assumed that it was a scene from my past life memory, where I was a WW2 soldier who also died in the war. The rope, too, showed something interesting to me; when I gazed deeply into it, the room changed into old-fashioned living room, looking lonely and sad despite the beautiful antique furnitures and fresh flowers on the table. The vision worked as if I was hanging myself on that rope... It turns out that I also committed suicide somewhere in the 1800s (assuming from the look of the furnitures). I learned why, but I guess it is not necessary. What matters is I've experienced the darkest of times. Misery and agony were part of my life and I died tragically in my two latest past lives (perhaps in some other past lives I haven't yet discovered too). I've tasted the bitterness of life and now I came here with another chance to live my life to the fullest with all the loveliest things. 

"You understand the pain of living in this world more than most people, thus you have the authority to give your hand to those who dwell in that pain. It is your destiny, and the universe conspires to make it happen," the guide said. 

The last picture I saw was the number 8:11. I assumed that it was a verse from the bible, and since Holy Bible is the only bible I have in hand, I opened the Holy Bible as soon as I wake up, letting my intuition guide me to Proverb. and here's what I found:

"For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her."

Coincidence? I believe not. And whoever showing me this, thank you.

There's another thing about that city, but I think I'll write about it later. It's more complicated than it looks, but also important for enlightenment. 


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