Sadness, fear and frustation are just some of our daily emotions. All of us have been through that point where everything seemed so blue. It's a part of our lifelong process to discover our identity as an individual as well as understanding the universe, but some just can't seem to escape from such feelings.
Due to my ability to maintain emotional balance, people often come to me for advice and guidance on how to deal with the worst, as I called it. It's nothing more than 'love and accept yourself as who you are', really. By understanding this, you are able to accept the emotions you are feeling, the good and bad. You allow yourself to learn and take some time to recover without putting too much pressure on yourself.
It might seem easy for me to say, but it took years for me to learn. (I'm not the type of person who likes to write/talk about her personal life in public, but I guess now it's the right time to do so, hoping that this can inspire readers). I have had really hard times accepting myself as I fell to depression during my childhood. I couldn't understand why the world felt so cold and it seemed like it did not accept my presence because I've seen and experienced things that shouldn't happen to a child. The tough times have taught me many things that helped me understand and accept so many problems in this world most have not yet understand. After years of seeking for a way out, I finally learned that the only way is to accept and love myself, including all of her flaws. Since then I am able to reach emotional balance most of the time, without even a single antidepressant. And not just that, it activated my 'empath' ability, the ability to engage with other's deep emotions and gradually help and heal them with their emotional pain.
It is not that simple. It took a long, rocky road, but The Universe, The Absolute, God, Alpha and Omega, The Creator... doesn't matter what you called him, has its amazing and fascinating ways to guide you at any time. Simply pay more attention to what's going on around you; feel the wind, see what's on the tree you're passing, sit and listen to the homeless (sometimes they have more wisdom than most of us do, really)... by doing simple things like these you will notice how the universe works to guide us, and you will learn more about yourself, thus accepting yourself and believing that you are strong enough to experience life's wacky adventures.