Tuesday, May 15, 2012


"Beloved All That Is, Alpha and Omega, please give me guidance."

That was my last night's personal prayer. Moments later I fell into a deep sleep, something that is rare to me since I am usually insomniac. Dreams came by, and when I woke up I can remember all the details, meaning that last night's dreams got something to do in real life. 

In the first one, I was standing on a very dark room. Few people were there with me, and someone who sounds like a lady gave me a diamond-like pendant while I already wore a necklace with Metatron's symbol on it, the Hexagram. She wore it on me and said that "it will shine very brightly if your other necklace is pure." And so it was. It shines very beautifully and brightly while I can feel that it is chanting a very strong energy inside of me. When I saw my left hand in the same dream, it also shines in beautiful blue and green. It feels heavy yet powerful and it remains that way until now. 

The second dream was more 'logical' but it still marks a powerful message behind. There was some sort of a balcony and the design seemed very ancient. There were some women in traditional clothes who seemed panic. They were running back and forward until one of them told everyone to stop. They sat in circle and began to hum in a strange way. Some of them stumped their hands on the floor while others kept humming. I didn't do anything though, I was just standing there and watch. The moment I woke up, I realize that they were doing a ceremony that possesses dark magic (and it's not a strange thing here because it has been a part of some ancient traditions in my country, that's why I can easily tell), an instant magic which purpose is to make a wish comes true, with a big side effect that is. 

I talked about my dreams to my mentor and here are his answer:

For the first dream, he said that it's a very good sign, but I have to find out about it myself because I was the 'address' of the message. His typical answer but he's right anyway :P

For the second one, it was a guidance. Since I was only watching, it means that I was being told not to do any kinds of black magic for my own good and for humanity's, because I'm the type of person who can learn this kind of thing easily. Black magic has long lasting side effects even though it is instant. It's a complete opposite to white magic, that's why it's dangerous even though it gives a short-term big advantages to the one who possesses it. 

The Creator has so many ways for each one of us, and this is His personal way to encourage and teach me. Even though it has many metaphors I have to analyze alone (that eventually boosts my ability to make and analyze literatures and poetries XD), I must say that this strange way is very effective. 

Strange dreams are nothing new to me, but the experiences and the messages I get in each of my dreams are remarkable. Therefore, I am blessed with this strangeness :)


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