Monday, February 6, 2012


The moon and the stars are my gurus.

They speak, when one is willing to listen with his heart. 

Tonight, the stars told me;

"Don't be afraid to shine your light. You are standing in the darkness. If you let yourself drown in fear, the darkness itself, you cannot guide people, and people cannot see you."

"Each of us represents uniqueness; some are golden, some are huge, some are faded. Yet in the sea of dark sky, we unite; we did not compare each other's beauty, we become what we are and we work together to create shelter for life."

Tonight, the moon told me;

"Look at me, my love. I am not like the stars; I am what I am, yet I made a significant difference to life. Do no be afraid of becoming someone who is different."

The celestial sky represents humanity; each individual is different, and all of us are now stuck in blindness. When we work together, not caring about how precious our potentials are compared to others, we paint life.


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