Thursday, December 31, 2015


In a few hours we will have to say sayonara to 2015 and greet 2016 with joy and pleasure. Almost everyone I know posts their top 9 pictures in instagram and expresses their gratitude for all the blessings they have during the year. Few post a list of events and people they care about in their blog. Some chooses to post new year greetings in facebook because it's more convenient to them. 

While it's a year full of joy for most people out there, it's one of the toughest for me. Many times I have to fall and get on my feet again. I faked my smile while there's a storm going on inside me. I lost handful of people I care for. I faced failures and betrayals by people I thought I could trust. I had to experience long-term sickness. Yet I survived all that on my own. It makes me realize that not everything is made of sugar. It reminds me that I don't really have much friends even though I like to socialize, but I still have handful of people who are being true to me. 

Although I don't smile and laugh as often this year, I don't see these unfortunate events as a reason to be bitter. I am forever grateful for the life challenges I have to face on my own, it gives me more strength, wisdom, and resilience. It gave me precious lifetime lessons about people and yourself. I consider myself lucky to have such experiences.

Happy 2016!

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog keep writing and posting your story. I will be your fans reader. :-)
