Friday, November 29, 2013


Everyone knows this classic Disney princess, and some know that she is the very first. When Snow White came to cinemas as the first ever full length color movie, David was, in fact, impressed and amused by every details of the animation since he himself wished to be a cartoonist or animator someday, tho that never happened sadly (but al least I still have his drawing skills). 

Snow White is David's first and last fictional crush. Illustrated books and vintage pictures might've inspired him in a way, but the beautiful animation and story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs inspired him in many ways. Without future technologies we have today, making full length color animation with realistic design of the protagonist must be very something to him. 

When I watched this movie some time ago, I couldn't help but feel this weird deja vu thing inside my head. Part of me tried to convince me that I've watched this long time ago. Not just years ago when I was still a young girl, but way before that. Thinking that it came out in the late 30s, I realized that David must've seen it himself. 

Despite the nightmares and bad memories from David when he was doing his job during the WW2, I'm grateful that he left me this memory. I'm also thankful for Disney. I don't know what David and I would do without him. :)



The biggest crisis we're facing now is humanity. Wars everywhere, sacrificing the life of many, starving children, students bullying one and another, doctors abandoning their patients, governments and police forces working over money instead of justice. We all have egos, but deep inside we have a heart that is yearning to see all men living in peace and harmony. 

I can't possibly change the entire world, but I wish I could at least change the lives around me. I believe that there are others out there having the same vision, and if we work together, the future where happiness surrounds every single being, lies in front of us. Despite medias showing violence and injustice, I believe that there's still kindness. After all, when there's darkness, there's light. I want to live my life with kindness. And I want everyone to do so, too. 

Have faith, make it happen too :) 


Sunday, November 17, 2013


I realized that my memories of being a WW2 soldier who committed suicide 71 years ago still bothers me. It is the clearest memory of my past life I've seen so far. I thought I've seen enough, and yet today, after seeing a video of war, the flashbacks came back again. I'm starting to wonder if there's something David hasn't told me. 

My biggest question is, however, if David had something in his mind when he was about to die, how can his spirit reincarnated as me? As far as I know, when a spirit is trapped in emotional pain, it will roam in this world until it can finally find peace. 

Or maybe David has found his peace, and he wants me to know what exactly bothers him, and how he finally found serenity in that dusty atmosphere and the sound of nonstop gunshots. 

I'm going to discover my past life even further and keep this blog updated with my journey. 


Maybe some of you have know that I've been labelled as an indigo... or spiritually gifted child. It used to be part of my pride until I learned a hard lesson eventually and decided not to be so obvious about it, trying to live my life as a normal girl. But I've been so used to it I forgot all about what I can do with my abilities. So in the end I feel like I've forgotten who I truly am.

The hard lesson I'm talking about is that the world is a place for everyone, including indigos, but obstacles are meant to be here and sometimes they make it seems like you have to be someone you not to be able to survive. I realized that knowledge of spirits is not something everyone can accept, at least in this era, but when one is ready to learn, one is close to see how wonderful the mystery of life is. Indigos can access the knowledge of spirits because it is their gift, and everyone is able to learn too, thus indigos can be their guide. Through my journey of this current life, I've met people who are cynical about my abilities, one of few reasons why I decided to 'hide' my true self in a completely normal girl personality. But some are grateful to have been guided by me. 

Lately in my nights I've been thinking about this. I enjoy being normal girl who is struggling in college , complaining about being broke, and enjoying some fun with my friends both old and new, but at the same time, I miss being my true self. I miss using my ability to astral project and experience the realms that cannot be seen with physical eyes, sensing emotional pain in others and trying my best to heal it, and communicate with the spirits. 

But then I realized that being indigo doesn't make me less or more than normal. I'm still human in any ways. 

Maybe being normal and indigo at the same time is the only way to become my true self. Let the society decide whether to accept me as one of them or not, but I want to just be myself because that's one of the ways to value the experience of living. 

I believe that everyone is normal AND gifted. Some are good at science, some at music, some at socializing. I'm a normal girl with spiritual talents. 
