Monday, October 17, 2016


When I heard there's a tarot reading service near my place, I thought I should give it a try. I know some of you don't believe in such thing and I respect that, but my intuition kept telling me to go for it. And if there's one thing I learn for the past 21 years, it is to always trust my intuition and listen to it. 

But here's a thing, tarot reading won't give you sugar-coated information or make decisions for you. The future it predicts is based on the present, so it all depends on what you're going through and your attitude towards it. Nothing else but yourself can determine the future (which is also a reason why I never want to predict one's future). So tarot is basically a mirror for your soul, in form of cards. 

Before getting this service I'm always confident that I know myself well enough to the point that I'm being arrogant about it. I always thought people don't, and won't understand me. I think this is where my intuition kicks in, because turns out there's much more inside of myself I have yet to discover. 

Most of my questions revolve around relationships. I don't feel like I need to specify my questions here, but here's what I learn from my tarot reading session, and it's so accurate it hurts: 

Coming from a conservative family, I always have insecurities within myself. I set a limit over everything, including friendships. No matter how close I am to a person, I always have hard time revealing my problems, insecurities, and conflicts because I think they don't need to know or doing so would change the way they see me. There are many factors contributing to this habit, but one that affects me the most is the past bullying and many betrayals from people I used to consider my friends, specifically from primary through high school. I was a constant object of bullying for being so obese and as much as I hate to admit it, it affects me to this very day. Yes, the bullies asked for forgiveness, but it affects my emotional state and the way I see people. I didn't realize this until I sit on the tarot counter. The emotional scars give me the tendency to build walls around myself so that people can't harm me, and the fact that I'm back at my old fat self again thanks to medication makes it worse. But instead of protecting me, it destroys me even more. 

I'm naturally a social person. I get along with people easily and I'm a good listener. But as much as I like to learn what interests them, I tend not to talk about myself too much, out of fear that they would see me as a freak and not accept me in their social groups anymore. As the result, it takes me longer time to get close with someone. 

I also have this constant fear that the friendships I have today will soon be abandoned because this is pretty much the case with most of my school friends. As we grow up, we grow apart. This happens too many times, I'm starting to lose a bit of faith in maintaining long-lasting friendships. As the result I tend to pull myself out of social interactions and isolate myself, which affects my mental health greatly. 

So the main problem here are my lack of trust towards people and my personal insecurities. For being an object of bullying in the past I always try so hard, subconsciously, to not look like a freak and to keep some distance from people I know. Being overprotective to oneself, however, can be destructive. And I'm already seeing that now. 

I still want to engage in long-lasting friendships and to commit in everlasting relationship with a person I truly love. I still want to believe that friendships, and any forms of relationships, can last til' death. But I cannot do that unless if I start to learn to love myself unconditionally and not to let people's bullshit affect me to emotional and mental extent. 

I still don't know where to begin, but I think writing this publicly is a good start. No human being is perfect. It is okay to be fragile from time to time. 

The tarot reading costs me a fee, but for leading me to a new beginning, I think it's worth the fee. 

Friday, August 12, 2016


Karena isu yang saya bahas di sini sangat berkaitan erat dengan budaya Indonesia, kali ini saya memutuskan untuk menulis dalam bahasa ibu saja (walaupun agak risih, karena nggak terbiasa hehe). 

Dari kecil zaman playgroup TK dulu image "the artistic one" udah nempel banget sama saya. Ada kertas kosong di depan mata, langsung dicoret-coret. Papan hasil karya murid 70% keisi sama hasil coretan saya. Awalnya gambarnya polos-polos lucu ala anak-anak, yang matanya cuma titik dan jarinya nggak karuan kayak snack "cheetos", lama-lama mulai berevolusi jadi gambar tipikal anak SD yang cartoonish banget. Pas SMA, mulai deh nyobain gambar realistik, meskipun nggak berhasil dan hasilnya tetep cartoonish, hehe. Tapi mulai keliatan kayak manusia pada umumnya sih.

Ketika kuliah, saya mulai berani 'taking it to the next level'. Saya memutuskan untuk menjadi orang yang frontal karena pada dasarnya saya emang nggak suka main 'kode-kodean', dan hal ini juga saya aplikasikan pada karya-karya saya. Saya mulai mencoba menggambar area intim wanita. Saya ingat betul gambar 'vulgar' itu saya buat di kelas, waktu jam istirahat. Karena terbiasa hidup di lingkungan yang cukup konservatif, saya udah siap mental sama kritikan-kritikan pedas. Eh tapi teman-teman saya malah nyeletuk dengan santai "Ih kok lucu sih. Hehe." Saya senyumin aja, emang gemes sih. Who doesn't like boobs?? 

Lama-lama, menggambar wanita telanjang mulai jadi kebiasaan. Dan reaksi teman-teman saya pun tetap sama; diketawain, diskusi tentang ukuran payudara (menjelaskan ukuran BH ke cowok), dikasih saran supaya ceweknya keliatan lebih cantik. Hingga suatu saat, salah seorang teman saya mulai bertanya dengan nada yang serius "why do you like drawing boobs? is there any particular reason behind this?"

Dan ini bukan pertanyaan yang pertama dan yang terakhir. Udah beberapa kali saya dapet pertanyaan yang sama dari orang yang berbeda-beda. Waktu itu saya masih males ngasih penjelasan, takut dikritik, dicekokin ayat-ayat religi, dan sebagainya. Jadi jawaban saya selalu "Lucu aja, bulet gitu." Sesimpel itu, supaya mereka cuma bisa ketawa dan nggak nanya-nanya lebih banyak lagi.

Tapi lama kelamaan, saya mulai capek main petak umpet sama budaya Indonesia yang konservatif. Saya capek merasa takut sama kritikan, apalagi yang bawa-bawa agama segala. Kalo saya sembunyi terus, kapan negara ini bisa berubah? Kapan negara ini bisa dengerin suara anak muda macem saya? Siapa tahu, gagasan saya memang bisa membawa perubahan. Nggak usah dalam skala besar, dalam lingkungan sekitar aja udah cukup bagus. 

Sebenarnya, tiap oretan bernada satir yang saya paparkan di jejaring sosial punya makna tersendiri. Kadang saya tulis di kolom deskripsi, kadang saya biarkan kosong biar yang lihat bisa menerka sendiri. Dalam kasus 'menggambar daerah intim wanita', maksud saya sebenarnya cukup simpel: untuk menyenikan keindahan tubuh manusia. The human body itself is a piece of art dan saya selalu memegang prinsip itu ketika berkarya. Payudara itu indah, dan pemiliknya punya hak untuk menikmati bagian pada dirinya yang sudah dianugerahi oleh alam semesta. 

Dalam lingkungan yang konservatif seperti negara kita, diskrimnasi terhadap kaum wanita sudah menjadi suatu kebiasaan. Memang, wanita Indonesia memiliki hak untuk meraih gelar pendidikan, bekerja, menunjang karir, berkarya, menyuarakan opininya. Saya akui kita sangat beruntung memiliki hak-hak ini karena di belahan dunia sana, wanita bahkan tidak boleh bersekolah. Tapi apakah kita sudah setara dengan kaum pria dari segi budaya? Semua perempuan yang tinggal di sini pasti setuju bahwa dirinya tidak lagi asing dengan pemikiran bahwa seks sebelum nikah adalah hal yang tabu, keperawanan harus dijaga hingga pernikahan, wanita harus menikah dan memiliki anak, perempuan nggak perlu belajar susah-payah karena toh ujung-ujungnya kerja di dapur, aurat harus ditutupi biar nggak mengundang mata-mata nakal, dan lain sebagainya. Karena sudah dididik dari kecil untuk menjadi makhluk yang anggun dan 'submissive' terutama terhadap kaum pria, prinsip ini sudah mengakar dalam diri kami. 

Ada suatu kejadian ketika saya masih bersekolah, beberapa sih sebenarnya. Yang pertama, ada kabar bahwa salah seorang adik kelas saya kepergok berhubungan intim dengan karyawan pria. Teman-teman di kelasnya mulai mengasingkan dia, dan gosip ini pun tersebar di komunitas ibu-ibu. Dulu, saya tinggal di kota yang sangat kecil sehingga semua orang bisa saling kenal. Bayangkan apa yang dialami anak itu, padahal kabar itu belum tentu benar. Parahnya, dulu saya ikutan percaya begitu saja dan menganggap bahwa anak itu sudah menghancurkan masa depannya, karena saya telah dididik bahwa seks sebelum menikah adalah hal yang tabu dan tidak patut dilakukan bagi kaum wanita. Bagaimana dengan si pria? Masih bekerja dengan tenang, karena concern masyarakat dalam berita ini dibebankan ke si perempuan, bukan si pria. 

Yang kedua, salah seorang teman main saya mengaku bahwa dia mencoba 'masturbasi' dan dia menikmatinya, namun setelah itu dia merasa bersalah dan takut berdosa. Dia takut keperawanannya hilang karena telah melakukan masturbasi, dan terlebih lagi, dia takut karena dia menikmatinya. Sementara, di kelas saya, adalah hal yang biasa bagi laki-laki untuk berkumpul dan membahas 'film biru' yang mereka tonton, dan yang cewek-cewek ikut mendengarkan sambil ketawa-ketawa santai karena hal ini sudah sangat wajar bagi kami. Di sela kelas biologi, teman laki saya bahkan menjelaskan dengan terang-terangan bahwa laki-laki perlu mengeluarkan 'itu' setidaknya sekali seminggu, dan kami yang perempuan menanggapinya dengan manggut-manggut penuh pengertian. 

Dari kedua kasus itu, jelas bahwa ada ketidakadilan dari kedua belah pihak semata-mata karena budaya kami telah mengajarkan bahwa wanita tidak seharusnya menikmati seksualitasnya dengan cara yang subtle, sementara seks dianggap sebagai 'prestasi', 'keperjakaan', 'sesuatu yang gagah' bagi kaum pria. Pernahkah kamu marah ketika mendengar istilah diperkosa diganti menjadi 'digagahi'? Saya sangat marah, karena tidak ada yang gagah dalam pemerkosaan. Selain itu, istilah ini seolah-olah membenarkan tindakan pemerkosaan. Kesannya kayak 'si pemerkosanya kuat dan jantan sekali', 'si korban seharusnya bersyukur karena dengan 'digagahi' (i cringe so hard writing this) berarti tubuhnya seksi' etc, etc, etc. 

Admit it. Budaya ini ditanamkan karena dari dulu wanita dipandang sebagai 'sex object', properti masyarakat, boneka suami. Cara berpakaian diatur, cara duduk diatur, cara berbahasa diatur, cara bersikap diatur. Lalu, kapan kami bisa menikmati diri kami sendiri? Kapan kami bisa mengapresiasi diri kami sendiri, mengekspresikan diri kami sendiri, dan yang paling penting, menjadi diri sendiri? Kapankah label 'sex object' ini bisa lepas dari kami, dan kami bisa menjadi pribadi yang terdidik dan kuat? Kapankah orang melihat gelar maupun prestasi kami ketimbang 'udah ditidurin sama berapa laki', 'masih perawan apa belum', 'kapan nikah', 'kapan punya anak'?

Jangankan hal-hal yang berbau seksual deh. Saya udah beberapa kali dikritik karena suka musik metal dan rock. Saya fans berat Dream Theater, Led Zeppelin, dan Jimi Hendrix. Terus katanya, lagu-lagu mereka nggak 'girly', jadi nggak cocok sama saya yang kebetulan terlahir sebagai wanita. Oke, agak out of topic, tapi masih agak nyambung kan? Kamu nangkep kan maksud saya di sini? 

Seks tidak pernah setara dengan prestasi. Wanita yang sexually active masih bisa meraih gelar Ph.D, menjadi aktivis, menjadi penulis, menjadi olahragawan, menjadi politikus, apapun yang dia impikan. Kehidupan seksualnya adalah urusan dia pribadi, bukan urusan masyarakat. Memangnya situ siapa, ngatur-ngatur hidup orang? Hhh, tipikal budaya Indo (terus kesel sendiri). 

Gambar wanita telanjang menyuarakan hak wanita untuk menikmati seksualitasnya sembari dia membawa perubahan positif pada masyarakat maupun pada lingkungannya sendiri, baik itu dari jenjang pendidikannya, kemampuannya menciptakan karya seni, maupun kemampuannya menjadi pemimpin. Judul dari 'quick sketch' saya di atas adalah 'Admiring Oneself', atau menikmati diri sendiri. Adalah seorang wanita yang memotret dirinya yang telanjang dada sambil tersenyum karena dirinya indah, dirinya merupakan mahakarya dari semesta. 

Saturday, June 25, 2016


I just turned 21 last month, which is the legal age in my country because people of that age are able to be fully responsible and independent. It is said every 21-year olds will face a brand new mental state because it's a major turning point in life, and now I know how it feels like. 3 years ago I sorted a list of universities I could afford to go to, made some friends in matriculation class, and eventually enjoyed some solidarity with my classmates. It all started 3 years ago, but it only feels like it was just yesterday.

Just when I'm able to take a deep breath after all the stress and makeovers for the sake of adapting with the university lifestyle, I'm being rushed into adulthood. Indeed, at this age I can drink whenever I want without being chased by the police and for that very reason it's not strange to hear people congratulating you for being "legal", but that's just a small privilege you get for having so many responsibilities and burdens. I'm one year ahead from graduating, moving out and applying for jobs (or hopefully, master's degree), and I only have less than a year left to learn about these responsibilities and think about my future endeavor.

At this point, I realize that I'm no longer a kid and I must learn how to take full responsibility over my decisions, my actions, and my words. As a child, your parents or any other adult figures in your life will take the responsibility for you, but when you're already in your 20-something, you'll be on your own. And to be honest, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. It's a whole new level of "getting out of your comfort zone", and it all feels too rushed to me. I have to do another major makeover because I'm no longer a freshman and I'm only a few steps away from getting my degree. I have to get used with being on my own and do things on my own since I'm used with having companies or having someone who have your back.

Another thing I've been stressing over after my birthday is the realisation that I'll be graduating soon and I'd probably be so very far from my friends and family. I took the moments we spend together for granted before I knew I'll be moving away or probably get a tight schedule at work that I won't be seeing them as often as I can now. It hits me quite hard because there is a possibility that we will grow apart and move on with each other's life, and I just moved on from the "growing apart" issue with my old friends. Even now, my boarding house is already empty because the kids had moved out for some reasons. It used to be a packed and cheerful place because we like to hang out in each other's room and spend some time together, but now I'm the only one left who still lives here, along with some new kids who hardly socialize with each other. Some kids had moved out before I could say farewell to them, and that makes me feel sad.

As for my family part, it hits me that I only have a year or so to see my grandma whenever I like. I remember spending my birthday with my grandma at a pricey restaurant (I felt sorry for my grandma because she paid for the whole thing and she's best known to be a frugal person); after apologizing for picking that restaurant she said "Think nothing of it. This might be the last time we could celebrate your birthday together, before you move out." It hits me so hard and I can never forget this.

These thoughts have been revolving in my mind, and God how I wish I could rewind the time and enjoy every second and every moment I had in University. I wish I could tell my friends and family how grateful I am to have them around and how wonderful it is to know them. I wish I could live my pre-adult life to the fullest and rejoice the good and bad moments I have for the past 3 years, because I can never have these 3 years back. All I have left is some new blank pages to write. 

Monday, May 9, 2016


Since last year, things seem to crumble apart and quite frankly, I'm starting to lose it. Unfortunate things keep coming one by one. Just when I thought it's over, another one comes in and kick me hard in the teeth. One would say "just look at the bright side!" or "some people have it worse than you". Have you ever consider how you would feel if someone said this to your face during hard times? Imagine losing everything you have or someone dear to you, a friend shows up and said "some people have it worse than you." I know they might try to show some sympathy and cheer me up but this is not helping at all. As a matter of fact, it only makes things worse. 

Sometimes you want something so bad and you work your ass to get it, but reality punches you. Hard. Last year had been especially hard for me personally. I lost my loved ones, I was betrayed, I went through several events that brought my old bad memories back, I fell ill and since then I will always be ill. But I made it through alive and I hoped that 2016 will be nice at me. So before 2016, I made a promise to myself that I will stay strong and at the very least, get fit again, and just before I turn 21 I will look fit and healthy because I'm freaking tired of looking like a dying person. But alas, reality kicks in and now I look like a whale with goggly eyes and that's way too far from looking fit and slim. So once again my dreams are being crushed into pieces. Yes, such is life. But we all have limits, am I right? 

I can't help but ask to God (if he ever exists) what have I done to deserve all this? Yes I have hurt people in the past and drink alcohol before I reach the legal age (does that even count as a "sin"? I hardly get drunk) but I never steal nor commit a murder. Now I'm reaching a point where I hate myself so much I think I deserve all the hate in this world and suffer. I can feel my usual enthusiastic and optimistic spirit fading away and all I can hear now is my own voice calling myself names every minute. Heck, my birthday is coming up soon and I don't even feel like I deserve it. In my current circumstances nothing could lift my spirit, but time MIGHT heal. 

This experience helps me understand what the classic "the worst enemy is yourself" saying truly means. It's true. People may hurt you but if you still have your spirit then there's no stopping you. The Buddha confirms this by saying "when there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you". But if your spirit crumbles apart then you're completely screwed. And when this happens, nothing else can help you, not even the excessive support from your loved ones. You can only help yourself by building your inner strength back. And it's not easy. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016


No, this isn't a witness written by someone who stands for God. I know you've seen plenty of those books in the library or bookstores. I don't believe in such thing anymore even though I used to. I no longer see hell as a place where souls of humans are being punished and tortured for eternity. I see it as a state of mind, a state where you can't make peace with yourself even after death. 

By holding to this definition, I've walked through hell several times. I remember when my teacher revealed what I was like 90 years ago, as a soldier participating for world war 2. I saw people dying before me and I was too helpless to help. And it was the kind of death you can't imagine; it was torturing kind of slow death and it happens to a lot of people around you. Living in a short time only to see people dying and dying with them right after was never the kind of life anyone would dream for. I don't need to see Satan standing between a high gate of fire before me to witness hell. That was already hell to me, and it didn't happen in any other realm, it exactly took place on where we are standing now; earth. 

Even as a young kid I already entered the gate of hell. Once again I had to be a witness to a group of reckless human beings torturing other human beings, but I was too young to understand, let alone do something to help the weak, because I too was weak and short-minded. Sometimes when the memories come back, I still feel rage and grudge growing inside me. The desire to take revenge whispers in my mind to hypnotise me, but I'd become one of them if I take my revenge, and I never wanted to do such a thing to any other beings. I don't want to live as another parasite. 

To me, hell doesn't last for eternity. There's an escape, and the only way to escape is to free yourself from rage and sorrow. The path to Heaven isn't so hard to find because it lies within you, but it's not easy to walk through it. The only way to Heaven is to make peace with yourself, to accept that things happen and you can't change it, but you can look forward and move on. 

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Sejak menginjak usia yang sudah dianggap dewasa, saya sering mendengar pesan-pesan moral dari mereka yang lebih tua. Beberapa dari pesan itu memang membangkitkan gairah hidup saya kembali dan menginspirasi saya untuk menjadi orang yang lebih baik, namun tidak jarang saya mendengar pesan dari orang yang mindsetnya masih tertinggal zaman.

Kerapkali saya dipesankan untuk mencari pasangan hidup yang agamanya sama, dan kalau bisa, berasal dari keluarga yang kaya raya.

Beberapa orang menyiratkan reaksi negatif ketika mereka tahu bahwa saya tidak suka bayi dan anak kecil, karena "suatu saat nanti saya akan memiliki anak sendiri."
Saya pernah diberitahu agar "tidak usah menyusahkan diri dengan menempuh jenjang pendidikan lebih tinggi; hidup lebih mudah bila kamu menikah dengan seseorang yang kaya."

Di sisi lain, saya pernah diminta untuk kembali ke Indonesia dan membuat perubahan jika saya sudah menjadi "orang" di luar sana.

1. Dalam mencari pasangan hidup, saya tidak mementingkan kekayaan maupun kepercayaan seseorang. Saya ingin mendampingi dan didampingi oleh seseorang yang mau berjuang bersama dengan saya. Apabila kelak nanti saya akan menikah, saya ingin menikah dengan seseorang yang bisa diajak bertukar pikiran dan menanggung beban, tanggung jawab, dan kebahagiaan bersama. Itu yang paling penting. Urusan kepercayaan adalah hal yang sifatnya pribadi, selama bisa saling menerima point of view terhadap spirituality.

2. Saya punya hak atas rahim saya sendiri dan sejak dulu hingga sekarang saya tidak pernah memiliki keinginan untuk memiliki anak kelak nanti. Saya punya life goals lain yang ingin saya wujudkan, and my happiness comes first. Saya tidak ingin melahirkan anak semata-mata karena tuntutan lingkungan.

3. Mungkin at some point in my life saya punya keinginan untuk menikah, tapi menikah bukan tujuan hidup utama saya. Saya hidup untuk belajar dan menjadi seseorang yang berguna bagi orang lain, meskipun hanya terhadap segelintir orang saja. Saya tidak butuh kekayaan karena saya selalu berusaha untuk mengajak diri sendiri agar tidak menjadi seseorang yang materialistik. My true happiness comes from helping others. Mungkin membeli barang-barang brand atau rumah mewah akan membawa kepuasan dan kesenangan tersendiri, tapi bagi saya itu sifatnya tidak permanen, dan ujung2nya saya tidak akan pernah puas dengan apa yang saya miliki sekarang.

4. Percuma kembali ke Indonesia jika gagasanmu tidak didengar dan kamu tidak memperoleh apa yang layak kamu peroleh setelah bekerja keras selama bertahun-tahun. Again, my true happiness comes first, dan sejujurnya di sini saya tidak bahagia. Saya tidak mau membebani diri saya sendiri hanya karena saya dituntut untuk tinggal dan bekerja di tempat yang tidak saya senangi.

Friday, January 29, 2016


I don't mean to be such an attention seeker, I write this as apology to those who might feel hurt from my careless and heartless actions in the future. Please remember that I have no intention to hurt anyone nor myself. I've been going through unfortunate events since last year and some of them involve the shitty side of people, mostly from those I trusted and loved. Also, nowadays I'm coping with the urban lives and I get to witness selfishness and bad attitudes. I don't blame them for that nor myself, but I've absorbed too much negativities from those events. I've stopped believing that people can actually possess goodness for others. I see people as selfish pricks and that's also how I see myself right now. I'm not being a good friend to those who still love and care for me. This is one thing about being an empath; you take everything personally even if it shouldn't be that way, but you just can't help it. As a person who lives in the city, I should be prepared to experience the bad side of humanity, but I didn't. I was being too optimistic towards people but in the end it's all turning against me. This is why I'm not a compatible person to live in a huge and crowded urban area, no matter how social and adaptable I am. I can keep up with the pace and I can even start a small conversation with a random person I just met in the bus or anywhere else, but the habits and attitudes city people possess are not for me. I'm too fucking sensitive for bullshits. 

Again, I hope you understand if I'm slowly turning bitter. Believe me, I'm trying to get rid off it, but there are times when I can't see the light at all. I hope I find a way to escape from the city and make peace with myself somewhere else. When I can make peace with the self, I can be of help for others.

PS: I hate seeing my blog turning into "" instead of "com" because I'm not proud of Indonesia at all. Can anyone help me fix this?