Monday, November 16, 2015


"Even when the sea tries to shatter you, even when the sky crumbles upon you, you will get up again. You will stand up for yourself."

I will never forget what my teacher told me once. I often look at myself in the mirror and contemplate at the image that appear right in front of me. Years have passed and I've made it to this point. I've struggled many times yet I made it this far. And I still have many years ahead of me. I still have much to learn.

I wouldn't say that my life is harder than anyone else. But there are events in my timeline that change me as a person. I've seen people trying to kill each other with my very eyes. I've witnessed a crumbling household. I've experienced abuse and I did the same thing to someone else in return. I understand how it's like to grow up with unexplained anger and confusion. 

But I made it this far. 

I wouldn't lie about the thoughts of giving up. It came across my mind several times. Sometimes I do feel exhausted. Sometimes I ask myself if my life's worth fighting for. But I always end up telling myself: what do I got to lose. 

"You're stronger than you think you are."

I wasn't very sure of what my teacher said, but now I know that it's true. I made it this far. I crumble and struggle, but I always find a way to stand on my feet again. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, simply thank you for writing this.
