Friday, February 22, 2013


High school life is about to end in a few months and I'm reaching the point where I'm getting sick of seeing any of those school books. I've been sleepless, wandering around at school and telling people that "I need more motivation", and yet they support me any way they can. Seeing this, I feel like I shouldn't complain so much since it's gonna be useless and while others are struggling as well, they still care about their classmates. 

Also, I've been comparing my own progress with other's academic achievement and underestimating myself as the result. Hmm, this is what I don't like about myself. It's just that I've been affected by judgments lately I forgot about how extraordinary people can be. Sometimes you look average but when you go somewhere else you may shine brighter. (*plays "Shine Bright Like a Diamond"*...... well never mind) But seriously, it's true. I know some kids who seemed average at that time but now they're moving on to a successful life and people who used to know them would go like "wow that kid's a ITB/UGM student now (two of the best universities in my country)". I myself feel average in here because so far I haven't got any big achievements, but then again regretting things is useless and I should just move on and keep fighting instead of struggling. I know that one day I'll fulfill my life goals and be extraordinary myself. 

Speaking about school, one thing I like about grade 12 is my science class. Full of crazy kids who are welcomed by affectionate and fun teachers. Everyday is full of laughter in here; all of those absurd gossips, inner jokes, random sketches on our notebook, lame songs we used to sing out loud together (in an annoying way)... but when it comes to learning we  solve everything together and we help each other. Each member in our class has his/her own remarkable and unique personality so when one of us is absent things would feel different. Man, I'll miss them. 

Well that's all for tonight, folks!

Friday, February 8, 2013


What a hectic week, I'm so glad today is Friday. I'm pretty exhausted now since I just did my final paper presentation yesterday. It is one of the requirements to graduate from my high school and it is also considered as one of the biggest events for twelfth graders. Although we are free to choose the presentation date, I'd rather do the presentation now just so I can eliminate this high school 'burden' from my mind.

So I made the presentation very neatly and it was probably the best presentation I've ever made (I usually suck at making presentation). I keep it neat, simple, but 'eye-friendly'. I spent the entire day  at school practicing with friends who also signed themselves to do the presentation that day. Anyway, these are some of my slides: 

And the most exciting part is when one of the juries couldn't attend the presentation and my 11th grade biology teacher replaced her! I was lucky to have two friendly juries, who are also among everyone's list of favorite teachers. I couldn't stop jumping on the corridor when I heard the news :)) 

My final paper needs several revisions, but over all the juries loved my topic and presentation. They said it is "very useful", with a smile on their face when saying so. "Very useful" is one of the best compliments you can have for your final paper, really :D

When I went back to class, everyone cheered for me in the middle of their work and asked about the presentation. Some simple stuffs, but I really appreciate their support. So happy to see that sight. Science and Math 2, you're the best! Love you guys! :) 

In conclusion, the presentation was successful, and yesterday was the best day of 2013 (so far)! Thank God for this moment <3

It's already midnight and I'm getting very sleepy. Well, hope I can write more in here later :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Wow, I haven't write for quite a long time. I kinda miss ranting in here and I wish I could stay longer to write a long post, but I'm actually quite busy working on my final paper while I'm getting tired of this boring academic routine and yet my eyes feel heavy already. I put too many pressures on myself lately, resulting in sleeplessness and nutrition-less (is that even a word?), and some mood swings too. Nevertheless, these rough weeks have been a lesson for me to chill and just let things flow.

Anyway, dreams come and go, and now I feel like I'm actually more alive in my dreams, when I rest my physical entity. And among some nightmares and some beautiful dreams, I've illustrated one of my most peaceful and beautiful dreams during my first tryout.... so yeah, I called it 'Heart of the Innocent'. Hmm, I think I should make a poem for it too. 

Namaste, loved ones!