Saturday, January 29, 2011

Reinkarnasi; Sesat?

REINKARNASI. Kata ini sudah tidak asing lagi di kalangan orang-orang beragama. Berbagai kontroversi pun muncul. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa Reinkarnasi itu mustahil dan sesat, ada yang mengatakan bahwa Reinkarnasi itu benar adanya. Dan dari banyak orang beragama yang gue temui, kebanyakan dari mereka setuju bahwa reinkarnasi itu sesat.

Bingung, gue pun tetap mencari informasi mengenai reinkarnasi. Orang-orang di sekitar gue mengajarkan bahwa hidup ini hanya sekali, dan ketika kita semua sudah meninggal, kita akan menetap di neraka atau surga, selamanya. Dan gue, sebagai seorang indigo yang menanggung banyak dosa dari perbuatan-perbuatan gue, merasa tertekan dengan pernyataan itu. Gue nggak mau masuk neraka. Dan untuk masuk surga, gue merasa nggak layak.

Akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk terus mencari jawaban. Apakah benar kita akan menetap di neraka atau surga, SELAMANYA? Selamanya itu sungguh lama! Gue nggak bisa membayangkan menderita di neraka selamanya, terus menerus dibakar di api yang tak bisa padam.

Dan gue mulai berpikir, apakah hukuman ini adil bagi tiap umat manusia yang bersalah? Hukuman neraka itu sangat teramat berat dan tidak setara dengan dosa-dosa manusia. Apakah adil bagi seseorang yang hanya hidup selama 25 tahun mendapat hukuman neraka akibat perbuatannya, sementara orang yang hidup selama 90 tahun dapat menetap di sorga karena ia memiliki kesempatan yang lama untuk bertobat, padahal dulu ia menanggung dosa yang sama dengan sang pemuda?

Gue pun membaca kitab suci dan buku-buku spiritual. Dan di kitab suci agama gue, Kristen, jarang sekali tersirat informasi mengenai neraka, walaupun tetap saja ada. Namun, gue juga menemukan ayat ini:


(1) Adalah seorang Farisi yang bernama Nikodemus, seorang pemimpin agama Yahudi.

(2) Ia datang pada waktu malam kepada Yesus dan berkata: "Rabi, kami tahu, bahwa Engkau datang sebagai guru yang diutus Allah; sebab tidak ada seorangpun yang dapat mengadakan tanda-tanda yang Engkau adakan itu, jika Allah tidak menyertainya."

(3) Yesus menjawab, kata-Nya: "Aku berkata kepadamu, sesungguhnya jika seorang tidak dilahirkan kembali, ia tidak dapat melihat Kerajaan Allah."

(4) Kata Nikodemus kepada-Nya: "Bagaimanakah mungkin seorang dilahirkan, kalau ia sudah tua? Dapatkah ia masuk kembali ke dalam rahim ibunya dan dilahirkan lagi?"

(5) Jawab Yesus: "Aku berkata kepadamu, sesungguhnya jika seorang tidak dilahirkan dari air dan Roh, ia tidak dapat masuk ke dalam Kerajaan Allah.

(6) Apa yang dilahirkan dari daging, adalah daging, dan apa yang dilahirkan dari Roh, adalah roh.

(7) Janganlah engkau heran, karena Aku berkata kepadamu: Kamu harus dilahirkan kembali.

8) Angin bertiup ke mana ia mau, dan engkau mendengar bunyinya, tetapi engkau tidak tahu dari mana ia datang atau ke mana ia pergi. Demikianlah halnya dengan tiap-tiap orang yang lahir dari Roh."

Gue pribadi mengartikan hal ini sebagai "reinkarnasi"; setelah kita mati, jiwa kita akan pergi tanpa kehendak kita sendiri dan kembali menjelma sebagai manusia, atau mungkin, "another being". Jadi, sekara fisik kita semua akan mati, namun roh itu abadi, roh kita akan menyatu dengan tubuh lain, dan begitulah seterusnya. Ketika kita sudah mencapai kesempurnaan, barulah kita dapat kembali bersatu dengan Allah.

Lalu, apakah itu neraka? Gue rasa, neraka adalah tempat hukuman sementara. Mengapa gue katakan "sementara"? Sebab kata SELAMANYA itu sangat teramat lama! Bayangkanlah hidup anda dalam kerajaan maut setiap hari, setiap bulan, setiap tahun, tanpa henti. Dan jika hukuman selamanya ini dibandingkan dengan dosa-dosa kita, apakah hukuman itu setara? Gue rasa tidak. Maka dari itu, gue pribadi mempercayai adanya reinkarnasi.

Mungkin sebagian dari kalian yang beragama Kristen berpikir bahwa apa yang gue percayai mengenai reinkarnasi adalah sesat, sebab kaum-kaum Kristiani pun percaya bahwa kita akan menetap di sorga ataupun neraka, selamanya. Terserah saja, tapi gue sudah mencari banyak sekali informasi dan banyak belajar mengenai spiritualisme, dan inilah yang gue percayai sekarang.


During midnight like this, I often hear and see many things that normal eyes cannot see. Imagination and intuition open up my mind as I receive messages that I shall deliver to every humans who are willing to hear.

The moon is the heart of mother nature. It speaks, as long as humans have the desire to listen. Here are her messages:

Dear humans,

I know that some of you thinks that the earth is full of chaos, cruelness, unfairness, evilness. I know that some of you thinks that the earthy life is monotonous, black and white. I know that this makes you feel frustrated, confuse, lost.

My dear humans, if the earth you live in today is purely full of chaos, cruelness, unfairness, and evilness, such world will never exist. The universe does not need a world full of negative energy. Our universe seeks peace and love, the positive energy. The earth itself still contains kindness, peace, love, which may be invisible sometimes. Your job is to increase this positive energy level, by sharing your kindness towards other beings that exist in your earth.

As you reach the higher level of the peace and love energy, you will no longer recognize any kinds of chaos, and you will gain happiness in life.

Dear humans,

Some of you may suffer from many chaos that the nature had created. All of those earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, destroys everything, physically and psychologically. This must have been create such rough year to you, as the pain appear and increases.

My dear humans, these disasters did not happen as coincidences. Things happen for a reason, and the reason behind these chaotic nature beings is your deeds toward the mother nature. The mother nature is angry because of your deeds, that sometimes may considered as normal deeds because everyone is doing it, such as illegal logging or littering. The mother nature is trying to warn you from all of this natural disaster.

The mother nature is alive. All of the trees, the skies, and the ground itself, unite as the mother nature. She feels, she sees, she hears. Mother nature needs you, humans, to take care of her, as she will also supply your needs as long as you take your responsibilities towards the mother nature. As you take a good care of her, she will protect you.

You can do varies of activities to take a good care of mother nature. You can stop littering in wrong places, you can plant more trees or your favorite magnificent flowers, you can create nature friendly technologies; anything you like. And you can feel the joy mother nature feel from your deeds as she will show her kindness to you.


I looked down to the beautiful blue earth, starring at the humans. Perhaps, this is my destiny, I thought, as I jumped down from where I belong, reincarnated onto a baby girl of a happy mother in 25 May 1995.

Before I could see the world with my eyes, I was a little helpless womb inside my mother's stomach. And at 8th month, an unexpected tragedy happened. My mother walked to the hospital by herself, and a rapid motorcycle came and hit her on the stomach. There is no apology from the rider but curses. My innocent mother ran back to her home as she began to pray for my safety.

The doctor also had a bad news; I perhaps will born with a syndrome. He predicted that I am a special need. My parents had owned a special need son before me, which is my precious big brother, Daniel. But God had blessed my mother with miracle; I was born normally. And even if I had ADD, at least I was a normal child indeed.

Yet, it was just a beginning. Everyday is a beginning to me. As I entered childhood, I was bullied due to my different-ness. I had a few friends, and none of them understand me. I was all alone in my life. And at 2002, my parents adopted a little brother for me, Nicholas. He was such a lovely being with little bright eyes, but I was pressured with my loneliness, and I am too exhausted of facing humans that cannot understand me. People sees me as a weird idiot girl, and I wasn't free to do anything in my life. I throw all of my anger away to Nicholas, but he is still smiling like a happy angel, seemed to understand. Now that I realize that Nicholas is the only one who understands, I've lost him. Due to a complicated condition, my parents have to returned him to the orphanage, and the year after that, I cannot found him there. He was already adopted by another family, living a new happy life indeed. I cursed myself with guiltiness until today, wishing that Nicholas will never find me and never remembers me as a monster.

As I returned to school life, I met several friends, and they love to gossiping about me behind my back. One of my friend pretend to join the conversation, and after that she would told me what these "friends" are talking about. I was happy with the fact that I finally found a true friend, though, who cares about me. Unfortunately, it was just a part of her fake-ness. She did that because she wants something else from me; she took my lunch, my money, my bag, everything that she likes. I was utilized by a fake friend, so I still am alone. Also, I was always be the one who get to blamed at everything in my home. My aunt stayed at my house for a while, and she often sneak to the public internet, having a personal chat with another guy while she's already married. She took me with her, and as we got home, it was really late. "It was her," she said. "She's begging me to leave the house for a walk. I realize that it's getting late, but she doesn't want to go home." The husband of my aunt, loved to abused me, and as I told this to my aunt, she forced me to keep it as a secret from my parents.

I grew up with anger in my deepest heart. They called me "idiot", they called me "tubby", they bullied me, they utilized me, they blamed me at everything, when will all of these end?

It was year 2005, and I entered a new class, hoping that I won't be bullied again. The base teacher gives me her friendliest smile, welcomed me to her class. I sat with a group of friends, as they told me about many things. I finally felt welcomed, and as days past, I finally have true best friends. They never called me "idiot", "fat useless girl", or else. They just called me "Kezia", my real name. 2005 was perhaps one of the happiest year I have ever have. I am so grateful that I was blessed with such understanding friends who are willing to share their hearts to me.

Then again, I felt slapped. 2005 ended, and 2 of my friends had to move. I was in a new class with the gossip girls again, and they indeed make a new gossip about me each day. Slowly, everything's got worse; one day, one of these girls brought little fruits as she throws it to my hair. "You should have some creambath with this." she shouted. "Your hair is pretty much like a lion, you know."

It really hurts and I just can't take it anymore, so I decided to open up a personal conversation with them. Surprisingly, many of my seniors and another friends support me, they also dislike these gossip girls behavior, so all of us finally open a conference that changed everything ever since.

I learn to forgive, even if I live my life with a horrible past. Thus, my horrible past opened my eyes to understand others which are suffering from the same matter, or the worse one. God gave me all of these problems to help me understand that we need to change these negative energies into positive ones, because negative energies, like what people gave to me at my childhood, affects many lives. Negative energy gave sorrow, sadness, fear, towards humans. And we need to change. Instead of developing negative energies, why won't we offer positive ones instead? This isn't hard to do. All we need is love, seeing everything in a positive way, and develop understanding to each other. By this, sorrow and hatred will no longer exist.

You may be wondering about the first paragraph of my new post; yes, I believe that I was a Pleiadian, and I have several piece of memories about Pleiades. I have a piece of picture in my mind of it. It was a beautiful world where hatred and sorrow don't exist. Some Pleiadians, like me, had to reincarnated into humans, to teach the world about what we've learn at our home world. It is not an easy job, though, like what I've gone trough during my childhood.

I hope that, during my short life, I could develop my love to everything I see or everything I meet. I tried to throw away my grudges and hatred. As I successfully deal with this, I will begin my mission to bring peace and love to the world, or at least, to the people of my life.