Sunday, December 15, 2013


Suatu hari nanti
Bila Tuhan menghembuskan nyawa
Kepada angan-angan kita
Bila Tuhan melukis di atas lembaran kisah
Sehingga andai tak perlu lagi
bersembunyi dalam bayang
Dan bila Tuhan melantunkan balada
Pada angin sepoi yang membumbung tinggi,
Membawa kata demi kata tak terucapkan 
yang ingin kuucapkan

Kelak nanti, bila Tuhan merestui

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


6 years ago, I was marked as a troublemaker and a rebel in school. I spent hours sketching on some blank papers, and for doing so my teachers felt like I wasn't paying attention to them. It was actually a form of silent protest from me because the way they educate us in there are boring and thus ineffective; lacking of creativity and a waste of time. Studying should be made fun, especially for elementary students.

But the situation was completely different when it comes with English class. You'd see smiles on everyone's face when class starts. There was no such thing as authority; my teacher never forced us to do anything and she gave us the freedom to be ourselves. You don't have to sit down all the time, you can simply walk around, lay down, have a snack, or even go to the corner and read a book from the shelf, if that's the most effective way for you to learn. She understands that each of us is different and unique, and none of us is dumb. We're all the same, but we have our own ways to learn comfortably. She was every student's mother in school. 

Aside from that, we were offered fun activity as often as possible, like English Bingo (using candies), cooking class (usually she'd invite her fun-loving Australian friend to teach us too), and a tour. Only in english class, we are allowed to be true kids. 

My teacher noticed what other teachers have been thinking about me, so she called me one day to do her a favor. She put a blank paper on her desk.

"Could you draw me something, please?" She asked. "Draw anything you like."

Of course I was happy and honored to do such favor! I drew the best drawing I could made that time and I added a bonus for her; a short story about an old and lonely grand piano in english. She became the happiest woman in school when I finished my artwork and typed my story.

"You are gifted," she said. "I'll show them how gifted you truly are!"

I was surprised. I didn't know that she wanted to show my work to other teachers who've been judging me.

And that's not it. On our english final exam tryouts to graduate elementary school, she came in to our class and comforted everyone. She carried my last tryout result (100 or A+) and said:

"I have faith in you. You are a brilliant girl and I know you can do it."

I am now a college student, and I haven't heard from her in years. But I will always honor her as a true teacher and I wish to meet her again one day so I can give her my other surprise; my success. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Di sela-sela istirahat yang lumayan panjang, saya memutuskan untuk mampir ke ruangan seorang guru. Saat itu, siswa lain mencari Tuhan dengan cara mereka masing-masing; doa syafaat, shalat, bertapa. Saya pribadi yakin bahwa cara mereka adalah beberapa dari banyak jalan untuk bertemu Tuhan yang sama, dan saya punya cara sendiri; cara yang hanya bisa dimengerti oleh beberapa, termasuk guru saya.

Seakan sudah menyatu dengan raut wajahnya, beliau tersenyum begitu melihat kedatangan saya. Saya selalu disambut dengan pertanyaan yang terdengar sederhana, namun untuk menjawabnya butuh pemikiran yang dalam. Hari itu, pertanyaan beliau adalah: “surga itu seperti apa?”

Dengan mata yang terpejam, saya merasakan kehadiran gerbang emas paling besar yang pernah ada, yang membawa saya masuk ke kota terindah dengan segala ukiran emas, perak, dan batu permata berkilauan. Dedaunan hijau nan segar berjatuhan mengelus helaian rambut saya, beberapa hanyut dalam genangan danau yang disebut-sebut malaikat sebagai ‘cermin peri’ karena airnya yang begitu bening. Saya membayangkan surga sebagai kota peristirahatan yang tidak akan pernah bisa dilukiskan pelukis paling handal pun.

Beliau mengangguk seraya tertawa. “Yang saya bayangkan tidak seperti itu,” katanya, “tapi intinya sama.

“Keindahannya tidak bisa digambarkan dan dideskripsikan siapa pun, karena indah itu subjektif, tidak memiliki makna yang absolut. Yang kamu lihat adalah apa yang kamu ingin temukan kelak nanti di surga. Apa yang saya lihat adalah apa yang saya inginkan. Namun cara menemukannya sama saja bagi siapa pun tanpa terkecuali.”

Surga erat kaitannya dengan kematian, masa berakhirnya nafas mortal manusia di bumi. Oleh karena itu, saya balik bertanya: “kematian itu apa?”

Beliau menjawab dengan gayanya yang sederhana, “Antrian untuk mendapatkan kehidupan. Begitupun sebaliknya; hidup sendiri adalah antrian untuk memperoleh kematian.”

 Tanpa terasa, bel tanda masuk mengingatkan saya untuk segera bergegas ke kelas. Kami kembali ke tanggung jawab dan kewajiban kami masing-masing; saya sebagai siswi dan beliau sebagai guru. Layaknya orang lain, kami berbeda, namun kami juga mencari hal yang sama. Tujuan manusia untuk hidup, dan tujuan manusia untuk mati, pada hakikatnya sama, dan akan selalu demikian.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Haven't astral project for long so I decided to do it again yesterday night. When my body relaxed and the night light in my room faded into complete darkness, I found my astral body standing on the beach and under the night sky, all alone. "No one, just you and the Universe," a voice of a lady said, as if she knew that I need guidance. "You may ask questions."

I told her that I'm tired of all the wars and greeds, and I wanted to live somewhere else but earth. 

I'm blessed with my safe and secure life, caring family and friends, and access to enough food, water and shelter, but I've been thinking about how unfair it is to see many people out there aren't as lucky. Many are surviving a war, poverty, and injustice. Everyone deserves to have what I have now. It's painful to learn about reality and I've been carrying these thoughts as my burden. You might don't understand what I'm talking about... but I'm simply tired of all these madness and angry that we just can't live together in peace without hatred, and share instead of creating laws and powers to make some people rich and others poor. 

An strange entity covered with light appeared right in front of me. I've never seen anything like her, but I can tell that she's full of kindness and empathy. 

"Among all the misery caused by greediness and misused powers, you are the hope of many. Without your participation, the suffering will continue."

But what can a nobody like me do? I'm nothing but a girl from a big country yet ironically forgotten by most, from a middle class and normal family, raised in normal society. 

"Everyone was nothing before they make a huge difference. You are more powerful than you ever realized.

Let your intuition guide you. You were given a sharp intuition for a reason."