Ever wonder what it's like to be a doodle? What it's like to live in a papery world where each of your body parts is created with the tip of a pencil, or a pen, or a marker?
Well, one thing for sure; in a doodle's life, anything is possible!
If you're a doodle, you can:
Munch a giant cookie (without having to worry about getting fat)
Explore the universe (or your stargazing book, to be precise)
Party hard with these cute little dolls from your pen pals,
Be the queen of the world,
Climb your favorite crystal,
Be your favorite hero's sidekick,
Share your evil plan with your giant human twin sister,
And roast your marshmallow on your Christmas light!
However, being a doodle isn't always easy...
Taking a bath is too risky,
Your dog is no longer your best friend,
You may get stuck in a jar,
And you can't draw anymore because all available markers are too big for you :(
Oh well, happy holiday, everyone! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)