"You're getting powerful. One day, you might be able to see yourself laying on the bed while your spirit goes somewhere."
Said the 'father' of this country's Indigo Society Ed Candra Kanic, few years back. It was our first and last meeting together, and he was the first to see the ability I did not even realize I have. It is the ability to (astral) travel.
Sounds pretty cool, isn't it? While it does feel great to go everywhere you like, to the past or to the future, to the extraterrestrial worlds, the underworld, literally everywhere... Everything has its risks and consequences. And as you grow older the risks get bigger too.
This week I experience what seems to be called 'sleep paralysis'. Sometimes I subconsciously astral project when I sleep, like I just do it naturally. Few days ago the experience felt more lucid, and I feel it when my spirit went back to my body. Somehow it couldn't connect itself with the body like it used to, and that's when I felt two girls coming into my room with their conversations. I tried moving my head to see them, but suddenly I felt muscleless, like the energy I use to move my body just come to waste. I couldn't even open my eyes, and with the strongest attempt I could finally open the left one; I saw the wall stickers of my room with it, but the rest of my body was still stagnant. If my phone didn't rang that day, I might not be able to finally wake up. This happen again earlier today when I took a nap... I know that my mom came into my room trying to wake me up. I heard her, but when I try to respond, I couldn't.
"You must be very careful using your gifts. While it is beneficial, it can also put your spirit in great danger."
I tried to contact him for help, but he didn't respond anymore. On one hand, I do understand that he might been through that phase in which he wanted to let go off this indigo stuffs and be something we consider normal, because I've been there too (and probably still there considering how I live my life right now). But on the other hand, I realize that I'm all alone facing this problem. It's possible that one day I can't wake up from my sleep at all (remember Insidious? that's exactly how it works). I don't wish for it to happen, but there's a possibility.
For fellow indigos out there who stumble upon this blog, would you please send me your protective energy for I am in need now... because I'm still not sure whether or not I can handle this in the future. I know I'm getting stronger, but apparently not strong enough yet to overcome this situation. May karma give you something good in return. In every good deed there will always be a wonderful gift. I wish you all the best in life. Namaste