I'm starting to do some self-cleansing for myself to get rid off those negative energies that may bother me one day. There are many parts of this program, and the first one is asking for forgiveness.
To let go the sense of guilt is to ask for forgiveness even if we are not guilty. We may own burdens and fear in our hearts without any explanation about why we had them. The best thing to move on is to ask for forgiveness to anyone in our life, even if we didn't do anything wrong to them. By doing this, our burdens are slowly fading away, and our hearts are filtered by light and happiness that we get by asking for forgiveness. Because asking for forgiveness means that we are fixing those mistakes we may have done, and since (some) burdens are connected with mistakes, it shall be removed when we're doing this.
I did this today by sending BBM and text messages to those I truly love and to those I've hated before, and to those I felt guilty at. It's not an easy thing to do because I have to let go off my ego, but after a little conflict I had with myself, I succeed in doing it. Everyone were worried at first because they thought I might be bothered by something essential. But after I did some explanations, they said that they've forgive me and some of them also asked me for forgiveness. I felt relieved when I know that I am forgiven. Those hidden pain and agony I felt before were removed, and my heart is full of joy and love. I feel amazing and happy! I somehow feel loved and that people DO care.
And for those who may visit this blog and knows me, I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong. I'm willing to fix my mistakes :)
This is the first part of my self-cleansing program. Catch me up for the next one! Namaste~
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sekarang adalah ajang curhat penulis. Ya, penulis ingin berkisah mengenai kesialan yang ia alami pada hari ini. Kesialan yang sungguh konyol dan sinting. Kesialan yang membuat dirinya menggeleng-gelengkan kepala layaknya seorang musikus yang tengah menghayati hasil karyanya *abaikan kalimat ini*
Di pagi hari, ketika sang penulis sedang berpakaian dan bergegas, tiba-tiba terdengar suara klakson mobil di depan rumahnya. Ya! Mobil antar jemput sekolah sudah datang! Dengan kancing baju yang masih terbuka (tenang, penulis menggunakan T-shirt daleman kok), rambut yang masih sedikit berantakan dan mata yang masih mengantuk, dan diiringi dengan omelan sang Nenek karena penulis dianggap lamban, penulis pun memasuki mobil dengan hati yang kesal. Pasalnya, biasanya mobil antar jemput itu tidak datang secepat tadi. Ternyata benar saja, ada seorang anak seantar jemput yang tidak masuk hari itu. Makanya mobilnya datang lebih cepat.
Sesampainya di sekolah, sebelum upacara rutin yang dilaksanakan tiap 2 minggu sekali dimulai, seorang guru menghampiri penulis dengan sebuah buku di tangannya. Ketika dibuka, disitu tertera nama-nama murid kelas 10 yang belum mengumpulkan tugas ITnya, dan nama sang penulis tertera disitu. Ketika mengunjungi sang guru IT, ternyata ada satu tugas yang belum penulis kumpulkan. Padahal ketika diperiksa di rumah via e-learning, jelas-jelas file itu sudah terupload di kolom pengumpulan tugas! Hati pun panas terbakar oleh api kekesalan *lebay* ya nggak berlebihan seperti itu juga sih. Intinya, penulis kesal terhadap sistem e-learning yang sedikit cacat, karena e-learning telah mengurangi nilai ITnya.
Kembali ke kejadian yang terjadi di sekolah. Pulang sekolah, penulis masih bersantai-santai sejenak dengan beberapa kawan di kantin. Tas dan tempat makan sudah dimasukkan ke mobil antar jemput, dan berhubung anak-anak seantar-jemput masih turut berkeliaran, saya pun memutuskan untuk duduk-duduk dulu setengah jam sebelum mobil mengantar kami pulang. Setelah berbagi kisah kepada kawan-kawan dekat, penulis pun perjalan ke tempat parkiran... dan menyadari bahwa mobil antar jemputnya sudah tiada! Dengan perasaan campur aduk, penulis memantau tiap sisi parkiran dan jalan di luar sekolah. Tidak ada juga. Akhirnya penulis menelepon sopir dan merasa bersyukur telah membawa handphone hari ini. Panggilan pertama tidak dijawab. Panggilan kedua, sang sopir berkata bahwa ia akan segera kembali dengan nada terbata-bata. Setelah menunggu di luar selama kurang lebih 5 menit di bawah sinar terik sang mentari dan di area sekolah yang sudah sepi, akhirnya mobil itu datang juga. Sang sopir meminta maaf, ia pikir sang penulis telah memasuki mobil. Penulis pun berpikir, masakan ia bisa melupakan diriku yang 9aHoeLzz dan k3reNn ini?
Dan sejak kemaren, penulis jadi korban kejutekan dan omelan orang-orang setempat. Entah dosa apa yang telah penulis perbuat. Selama ini kan penulis berusaha menjadi anak yang baik-baik *hiks-hiks T_T* ya begitulah. Sungguh malang nasib sang penulis. Penulis mendapatkan dijuteki teman lewat dunia maya dan di dunia realita, serta omelan di rumah... Jadi ini toh hadiah ulang tahun yang ke enambelas untuk penulis??!?! *cakar-cakar tembok*
Sekian untuk hari ini. CIAO~
Di pagi hari, ketika sang penulis sedang berpakaian dan bergegas, tiba-tiba terdengar suara klakson mobil di depan rumahnya. Ya! Mobil antar jemput sekolah sudah datang! Dengan kancing baju yang masih terbuka (tenang, penulis menggunakan T-shirt daleman kok), rambut yang masih sedikit berantakan dan mata yang masih mengantuk, dan diiringi dengan omelan sang Nenek karena penulis dianggap lamban, penulis pun memasuki mobil dengan hati yang kesal. Pasalnya, biasanya mobil antar jemput itu tidak datang secepat tadi. Ternyata benar saja, ada seorang anak seantar jemput yang tidak masuk hari itu. Makanya mobilnya datang lebih cepat.
Sesampainya di sekolah, sebelum upacara rutin yang dilaksanakan tiap 2 minggu sekali dimulai, seorang guru menghampiri penulis dengan sebuah buku di tangannya. Ketika dibuka, disitu tertera nama-nama murid kelas 10 yang belum mengumpulkan tugas ITnya, dan nama sang penulis tertera disitu. Ketika mengunjungi sang guru IT, ternyata ada satu tugas yang belum penulis kumpulkan. Padahal ketika diperiksa di rumah via e-learning, jelas-jelas file itu sudah terupload di kolom pengumpulan tugas! Hati pun panas terbakar oleh api kekesalan *lebay* ya nggak berlebihan seperti itu juga sih. Intinya, penulis kesal terhadap sistem e-learning yang sedikit cacat, karena e-learning telah mengurangi nilai ITnya.
Kembali ke kejadian yang terjadi di sekolah. Pulang sekolah, penulis masih bersantai-santai sejenak dengan beberapa kawan di kantin. Tas dan tempat makan sudah dimasukkan ke mobil antar jemput, dan berhubung anak-anak seantar-jemput masih turut berkeliaran, saya pun memutuskan untuk duduk-duduk dulu setengah jam sebelum mobil mengantar kami pulang. Setelah berbagi kisah kepada kawan-kawan dekat, penulis pun perjalan ke tempat parkiran... dan menyadari bahwa mobil antar jemputnya sudah tiada! Dengan perasaan campur aduk, penulis memantau tiap sisi parkiran dan jalan di luar sekolah. Tidak ada juga. Akhirnya penulis menelepon sopir dan merasa bersyukur telah membawa handphone hari ini. Panggilan pertama tidak dijawab. Panggilan kedua, sang sopir berkata bahwa ia akan segera kembali dengan nada terbata-bata. Setelah menunggu di luar selama kurang lebih 5 menit di bawah sinar terik sang mentari dan di area sekolah yang sudah sepi, akhirnya mobil itu datang juga. Sang sopir meminta maaf, ia pikir sang penulis telah memasuki mobil. Penulis pun berpikir, masakan ia bisa melupakan diriku yang 9aHoeLzz dan k3reNn ini?
Dan sejak kemaren, penulis jadi korban kejutekan dan omelan orang-orang setempat. Entah dosa apa yang telah penulis perbuat. Selama ini kan penulis berusaha menjadi anak yang baik-baik *hiks-hiks T_T* ya begitulah. Sungguh malang nasib sang penulis. Penulis mendapatkan dijuteki teman lewat dunia maya dan di dunia realita, serta omelan di rumah... Jadi ini toh hadiah ulang tahun yang ke enambelas untuk penulis??!?! *cakar-cakar tembok*
Sekian untuk hari ini. CIAO~
Saturday, May 28, 2011
As you began your day with a pair of wide-open eyes and self-consciousness, you will realize the light filtering every single thing in which existed on earth, a hidden message that told us about how everything connected and belong to each other; how things existed in such glory. There is no such thing as coincidence, and yet things happened, or appeared, with such powerful purpose that we may not realize, yet. If such things are useless, God would not create such thing.
The feeling of being useless occur because of our low self-consciousness, we have no clue about who we really are; why we are here. The truth is, we hold the answer inside our heart and soul; if we look deep inside ourselves, we will unlock the access to the missing answer we've been searching for. We are us, we are the ones who held the role of being ourselves. We are the ones who truly recognize ourselves.
Take a look at the deep wide sky! Think about how wide it is, and how simple it seemed... yet in such simplicity, it owns a lot of purpose... it existed to cover the whole thing inside earth; it is the exotic gown that our mother earth wears.
Just like the sky, we, humans, are here in purposes, and none of us are useless. We are here to live together. We are useful, because that's why we lived. No matter how rough life is, we still are together, helping each other, becoming a tool for each other. A pencil may not work properly without eraser, and an eraser would be useless without a pencil.
As we realize this message, absorbing it into our souls, we shall feel the positive vibes running trough our body, giving us the ability to develop our minds and hearts. We shall feel the existence of our souls inside this physical body and realize that everything is here for a purpose and are connected to each other.
The feeling of being useless occur because of our low self-consciousness, we have no clue about who we really are; why we are here. The truth is, we hold the answer inside our heart and soul; if we look deep inside ourselves, we will unlock the access to the missing answer we've been searching for. We are us, we are the ones who held the role of being ourselves. We are the ones who truly recognize ourselves.
Take a look at the deep wide sky! Think about how wide it is, and how simple it seemed... yet in such simplicity, it owns a lot of purpose... it existed to cover the whole thing inside earth; it is the exotic gown that our mother earth wears.
Just like the sky, we, humans, are here in purposes, and none of us are useless. We are here to live together. We are useful, because that's why we lived. No matter how rough life is, we still are together, helping each other, becoming a tool for each other. A pencil may not work properly without eraser, and an eraser would be useless without a pencil.
As we realize this message, absorbing it into our souls, we shall feel the positive vibes running trough our body, giving us the ability to develop our minds and hearts. We shall feel the existence of our souls inside this physical body and realize that everything is here for a purpose and are connected to each other.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Hello all! So yeah yesterday was my 16th birthday so,
I start the day normally. What makes it different is that I receive dozens of BBM, mentions in Twitter, and posts on Facebook, making my phone beeps every minute! My parents called me very early in the morning to say happy birthday. I've got 2 perfumes as a gift from them! Well I requested for a binocular telescope but since it's too expensive for them to buy for now, it's fine :) The perfume's scent are really nice anyway! <3 And just as I went home from school, my grandma's kitchen is full of ready-to-eat dishes just for me and fams :D There are Gurame fish, Grandma's special maccaroni, special tofu, soup with pork and beans, and of course... Grandma's special cheese cake! :)) My aunt also send me her famous pumpkin pie. I had dinner with my fams to celebrate me and my mom's birthaday (which was held on 21 May).
Meanwhile, I was thinking... 16??!? I felt like I was just celebrating my 15th birthday yesterday along with my old friends, as they brought me to the waterfall and push me into the cold pond! Time flows too fast, and this is the first time I celebrate my birthday in Jakarta, without my parents or either my old friends. Still, this birthday is one of the best birthdays ever! :D I thank everyone and God for making my day! <3
I start the day normally. What makes it different is that I receive dozens of BBM, mentions in Twitter, and posts on Facebook, making my phone beeps every minute! My parents called me very early in the morning to say happy birthday. I've got 2 perfumes as a gift from them! Well I requested for a binocular telescope but since it's too expensive for them to buy for now, it's fine :) The perfume's scent are really nice anyway! <3 And just as I went home from school, my grandma's kitchen is full of ready-to-eat dishes just for me and fams :D There are Gurame fish, Grandma's special maccaroni, special tofu, soup with pork and beans, and of course... Grandma's special cheese cake! :)) My aunt also send me her famous pumpkin pie. I had dinner with my fams to celebrate me and my mom's birthaday (which was held on 21 May).
Meanwhile, I was thinking... 16??!? I felt like I was just celebrating my 15th birthday yesterday along with my old friends, as they brought me to the waterfall and push me into the cold pond! Time flows too fast, and this is the first time I celebrate my birthday in Jakarta, without my parents or either my old friends. Still, this birthday is one of the best birthdays ever! :D I thank everyone and God for making my day! <3
Saturday, May 21, 2011
As what I've mentioned in twitter, I've stated that I'm no longer religious. Some people thought that I am now an atheist, but that's not what I meant. I'm still spiritual but I don't use religion anymore to increase spirituality. Religion is one of the ways to reach God, and since I'm not very comfortable with it, to be honest, I took another path by developing spiritualism. I do many prayers and evergy development instead. Yet when I pray, I don't use particular religious tradition anymore. I talk to God directly by heart.
And by doing this, I feel more comfortable and closer to God. However, I haven't told my family about this. Maybe I won't let them know, because they are very religious which is a good thing, though. But still, I personally dislike sticking to one religion. I've talk about this to my uncle, the only one who I believe would understand this. He said that it's okay if I would take that 'other path' since he was also doing the same thing. I have the right to belief in what I belief. I have the right to have my own religious views. If I wanted to become an agnostic, well it's fine. I mean, people have the right to belief or to not belief.
And I'm doing this not do betray God. I do love God, and I do praise him. And I didn't mean to say that religion is a bad thing for me. I do appreciate religions and I love them all. It's just that I'm not very comfortable with religious traditions so I praise God in my own way.
Well, that's all for now :) see you guys soon!~ <3
And by doing this, I feel more comfortable and closer to God. However, I haven't told my family about this. Maybe I won't let them know, because they are very religious which is a good thing, though. But still, I personally dislike sticking to one religion. I've talk about this to my uncle, the only one who I believe would understand this. He said that it's okay if I would take that 'other path' since he was also doing the same thing. I have the right to belief in what I belief. I have the right to have my own religious views. If I wanted to become an agnostic, well it's fine. I mean, people have the right to belief or to not belief.
And I'm doing this not do betray God. I do love God, and I do praise him. And I didn't mean to say that religion is a bad thing for me. I do appreciate religions and I love them all. It's just that I'm not very comfortable with religious traditions so I praise God in my own way.
Well, that's all for now :) see you guys soon!~ <3
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Siang ini, gue, dalam keadaan bingung, menghampiri seorang guru yang berperan sebagai 'mentor' gue dengan beberapa teman. Teman-teman gue ini ingin diramal oleh beliau dan meminta tolong gue menemani mereka karena sering berkonsultasi dengan beliau. Akhirnya si bapak mencetuskan hasil-hasil ramalannya ke mereka, sambil sekali-kali menyuruh gue yang meramal mereka untuk melatih kepekaan.
Beberapa saat setelah mereka diramal, gue membuka kapalan tangan dan meminta si bapak untuk meramal masa depan gue. Pasalnya, beberapa hari silam gue terus memikirkan kondisi di masa depan; gue masih bingung mau jadi apa nantinya. Sementara itu, waktu semakin dekat, dan gue harus segera memutuskan mau jadi apa dan tindakan apa yang harus diambil untuk mewujudkan cita-cita itu. Sebenarnya, dari dulu gue sudah dibimbing untuk menjadi seorang arsitek, suatu cita-cita yang tidak pernah bisa diraih oleh bokap. Di sisi lain, gue juga tertarik dengan karir yang berhubungan dengan merancang bangunan ini. Setiap kali melihat maket, gue selalu terbayang untuk membuat versi aslinya di masa depan. Namun, belakangan gue punya segudang hobi baru; memantau langit malam yang cerah, membaca buku-buku sains yang berisikan informasi mengenai alam semesta, iseng-iseng menulis naskah monolog atau puisi, membaca artikel mengenai psikologi, dan tentu saja, menggambar. Dari semua hobi itu gue memiliki banyak sekali cita-cita yang mungkin, dari sisi pandang manusia, mustahil untuk diwujudkan dalam waktu bersamaan.
Oke, kembali ke soal ramalan tadi. Si bapak hanya melihat garis tangan gue sebentar lalu tersenyum. "Kamu nggak perlu diramal," katanya. "Kamu sudah tahu mau jadi apa."
"Ah masa sih pak? Jujur saya bingung mau jadi apa. Cita-cita saya terlalu banyak."
"Raihlah semua cita-citamu itu. Kamu akan menjadi apa yang kamu mau."
Gue pun berpikir sejenak. Sastrawan kah? Arsitek kah? Seniman kah? Astronomer kah? Atau mungkin, semuanya.
Akhirnya gue iseng minta diramal mengenai jodoh. Dan jawabannya pun sama. "Cari saja, kamu pasti mendapatkan orang yang kamu mau."
"Berarti saya punya potensi untuk mendapatkan apa saja yang saya mau dong?"
"Nah, betul itu! Kamu terlahir dengan kondisi seperti itu."
"Tapi pak, apa ada maksud dibalik potensi yang saya punya ini?"
"Oh tentu saja! Kamu kan sudah diberikan 'gift' untuk meraih apa saja yang kamu mau, namun tanpa usaha apapun, gift itu akan menjadi sia-sia. Sekarang kamu hanya perlu membuktikan kepada orang-orang bahwa kamu bisa."
Tiba-tiba segala kebimbangan yang menekan batin selama ini hilang begitu saja. Senang rasanya untuk tahu bahwa gue punya kemampuan untuk meraih semua yang gue mau. Kalau dipikir sih, sebenarnya kemampuan ini memang sudah terasa dari dulu, hanya saja gue nggak sadar bahwa gue punya kemampuan ini. Ketika gue memiliki keinginan untuk mempelajari suatu lagu yang sangat gue sukai lewat piano, gue dapat dengan mudah mempelajarinya dan menguasainya. Ketika gue memiliki keinginan untuk menguasai materi math yang dianggap susah, gue dapat mempelajarinya dengan mudah. Dan setiap kali gue menginginkan sesuatu, gue pasti mendapatkannya baik dalam waktu dekat maupun jangka waktu yang cukup lama.
Jadi, semua cita-cita itu bisa gue raih, selama gue mempunyai keinginan yang kuat untuk mewujudkan semuanya, dan tentu saja, selama gue nggak percaya dengan yang namanya 'limits'. Waktu itu gue pernah berkata bahwa sebenarnya manusia itu tidak memiliki keterbatasan karena kita ini diciptakan serupa dengan Tuhan, sayangnya karena mind-set manusia yang masih labil, pernyataan ini tidak terwujud. Dan gue baru sadar sekarang, selama ini gue menganggap bahwa mewujudkan puluhan cita-cita yang gue miliki itu mustahil, dan inilah yang menjadi faktor kebimbangan gue. Sekarang gue hanya perlu mengubah mind-set gue. Gue harus mulai berpikir bahwa tidak ada yang mustahil, bahwa gue bisa menjadi apa saja yang gue mau selama gue berusaha.
Di sisi lain, si bapak seakan mengerti kondisi yang sedang gue alami saat ini. Belakangan gue merasa dikucilkan karena nilai gue nggak sebagus nilai anak-anak IPA lain. Ya mungkin mereka tidak bermaksud mengucilkan juga, gue nggak berhak menyalahkan mereka; mungkin ini hanya perasaan gue saja. Jujur, sebenarnya gue mengerti pelajaran yang diajarkan (sayangnya hal ini tidak berlaku untuk pelajaran kimia -.-), tapi gue sedang mencoba untuk pura-pura bego, malas, dan tidak peduli nilai. Gue merasa sistem 'score' yang berlaku di sekolah itu tidak penting. Sebenarnya memang penting sih, untuk mengukur seberapa jauh kita mengerti materi yang diajarkan. Hanya saja, belakangan nilai seakan menjadi titik ukur kepintaran seseorang. Siapa yang mendapat nilai jelek, dianggap bodoh, padahal dia sama sekali tidak bodoh. Realitanya, orang bodoh itu tidak ada. Mungkin saja orang ini masih belum paham sepenuhnya dengan materi yang diajarkan di sekolah dan perlu bimbingan lebih lanjut. Namun, ketika seseorang mendapatkan nilai yang jelek, beberapa guru berkata "kenapa kamu dapat jelek?" ketimbang "yang mana yang masih belum kamu pahami?" Tentu saja makna dari kedua pertanyaan ini berbeda. Yang gue kehendaki dari para guru adalah pertanyaan yang kedua. Dan belakangan, gue merasa diperlakukan sebagai salah satu orang yang kurang berprestasi di sekolah. Dan gue merasa, beberapa orang meremehkan kemampuan akademis maupun spiritual gue. Nah, at some point sebenarnya sih memang bukan sekedar perasaan, namun realita. Beberapa orang ternyata senang membicarakan gue karena segala 'keanehan' yang gue alami. Lalu, gue bukan anak yang cantik dan eksis maupun populer. Gue bukan tipe orang yang seperti itu. Dalam suatu kerja kelompok, gue tidak terlalu terlibat karena dianggap kurang mengerti topik yang harus didiskusikan (sekali lagi, gue nggak bermaksud menjelek-jelekkan orang-orang ini ya). Karena beberapa faktor inilah, gue merasa dikucilkan.
Gue nggak suka dikucilkan. Yang ada di benak gue sekarang adalah menjadi seseorang yang sukses kedepannya, menjadi seseorang yang tak terduga oleh orang lain. Selama ini kan, (mungkin) gue dianggap kurang pintar. Dan gue ingin membuktikan bahwa itu tidak benar; bahwa dengan keadaan kurang berprestasi ini bukan berarti gue akan memiliki masa depan yang suram. Secara tidak langsung, si bapak seakan ingin menyampaikan pesan tersembunyi ini lewat statement beliau yang tadi.
Jadi, inilah kesimpulan dari pernyataan si bapak untuk gue:
Beberapa saat setelah mereka diramal, gue membuka kapalan tangan dan meminta si bapak untuk meramal masa depan gue. Pasalnya, beberapa hari silam gue terus memikirkan kondisi di masa depan; gue masih bingung mau jadi apa nantinya. Sementara itu, waktu semakin dekat, dan gue harus segera memutuskan mau jadi apa dan tindakan apa yang harus diambil untuk mewujudkan cita-cita itu. Sebenarnya, dari dulu gue sudah dibimbing untuk menjadi seorang arsitek, suatu cita-cita yang tidak pernah bisa diraih oleh bokap. Di sisi lain, gue juga tertarik dengan karir yang berhubungan dengan merancang bangunan ini. Setiap kali melihat maket, gue selalu terbayang untuk membuat versi aslinya di masa depan. Namun, belakangan gue punya segudang hobi baru; memantau langit malam yang cerah, membaca buku-buku sains yang berisikan informasi mengenai alam semesta, iseng-iseng menulis naskah monolog atau puisi, membaca artikel mengenai psikologi, dan tentu saja, menggambar. Dari semua hobi itu gue memiliki banyak sekali cita-cita yang mungkin, dari sisi pandang manusia, mustahil untuk diwujudkan dalam waktu bersamaan.
Oke, kembali ke soal ramalan tadi. Si bapak hanya melihat garis tangan gue sebentar lalu tersenyum. "Kamu nggak perlu diramal," katanya. "Kamu sudah tahu mau jadi apa."
"Ah masa sih pak? Jujur saya bingung mau jadi apa. Cita-cita saya terlalu banyak."
"Raihlah semua cita-citamu itu. Kamu akan menjadi apa yang kamu mau."
Gue pun berpikir sejenak. Sastrawan kah? Arsitek kah? Seniman kah? Astronomer kah? Atau mungkin, semuanya.
Akhirnya gue iseng minta diramal mengenai jodoh. Dan jawabannya pun sama. "Cari saja, kamu pasti mendapatkan orang yang kamu mau."
"Berarti saya punya potensi untuk mendapatkan apa saja yang saya mau dong?"
"Nah, betul itu! Kamu terlahir dengan kondisi seperti itu."
"Tapi pak, apa ada maksud dibalik potensi yang saya punya ini?"
"Oh tentu saja! Kamu kan sudah diberikan 'gift' untuk meraih apa saja yang kamu mau, namun tanpa usaha apapun, gift itu akan menjadi sia-sia. Sekarang kamu hanya perlu membuktikan kepada orang-orang bahwa kamu bisa."
Tiba-tiba segala kebimbangan yang menekan batin selama ini hilang begitu saja. Senang rasanya untuk tahu bahwa gue punya kemampuan untuk meraih semua yang gue mau. Kalau dipikir sih, sebenarnya kemampuan ini memang sudah terasa dari dulu, hanya saja gue nggak sadar bahwa gue punya kemampuan ini. Ketika gue memiliki keinginan untuk mempelajari suatu lagu yang sangat gue sukai lewat piano, gue dapat dengan mudah mempelajarinya dan menguasainya. Ketika gue memiliki keinginan untuk menguasai materi math yang dianggap susah, gue dapat mempelajarinya dengan mudah. Dan setiap kali gue menginginkan sesuatu, gue pasti mendapatkannya baik dalam waktu dekat maupun jangka waktu yang cukup lama.
Jadi, semua cita-cita itu bisa gue raih, selama gue mempunyai keinginan yang kuat untuk mewujudkan semuanya, dan tentu saja, selama gue nggak percaya dengan yang namanya 'limits'. Waktu itu gue pernah berkata bahwa sebenarnya manusia itu tidak memiliki keterbatasan karena kita ini diciptakan serupa dengan Tuhan, sayangnya karena mind-set manusia yang masih labil, pernyataan ini tidak terwujud. Dan gue baru sadar sekarang, selama ini gue menganggap bahwa mewujudkan puluhan cita-cita yang gue miliki itu mustahil, dan inilah yang menjadi faktor kebimbangan gue. Sekarang gue hanya perlu mengubah mind-set gue. Gue harus mulai berpikir bahwa tidak ada yang mustahil, bahwa gue bisa menjadi apa saja yang gue mau selama gue berusaha.
Di sisi lain, si bapak seakan mengerti kondisi yang sedang gue alami saat ini. Belakangan gue merasa dikucilkan karena nilai gue nggak sebagus nilai anak-anak IPA lain. Ya mungkin mereka tidak bermaksud mengucilkan juga, gue nggak berhak menyalahkan mereka; mungkin ini hanya perasaan gue saja. Jujur, sebenarnya gue mengerti pelajaran yang diajarkan (sayangnya hal ini tidak berlaku untuk pelajaran kimia -.-), tapi gue sedang mencoba untuk pura-pura bego, malas, dan tidak peduli nilai. Gue merasa sistem 'score' yang berlaku di sekolah itu tidak penting. Sebenarnya memang penting sih, untuk mengukur seberapa jauh kita mengerti materi yang diajarkan. Hanya saja, belakangan nilai seakan menjadi titik ukur kepintaran seseorang. Siapa yang mendapat nilai jelek, dianggap bodoh, padahal dia sama sekali tidak bodoh. Realitanya, orang bodoh itu tidak ada. Mungkin saja orang ini masih belum paham sepenuhnya dengan materi yang diajarkan di sekolah dan perlu bimbingan lebih lanjut. Namun, ketika seseorang mendapatkan nilai yang jelek, beberapa guru berkata "kenapa kamu dapat jelek?" ketimbang "yang mana yang masih belum kamu pahami?" Tentu saja makna dari kedua pertanyaan ini berbeda. Yang gue kehendaki dari para guru adalah pertanyaan yang kedua. Dan belakangan, gue merasa diperlakukan sebagai salah satu orang yang kurang berprestasi di sekolah. Dan gue merasa, beberapa orang meremehkan kemampuan akademis maupun spiritual gue. Nah, at some point sebenarnya sih memang bukan sekedar perasaan, namun realita. Beberapa orang ternyata senang membicarakan gue karena segala 'keanehan' yang gue alami. Lalu, gue bukan anak yang cantik dan eksis maupun populer. Gue bukan tipe orang yang seperti itu. Dalam suatu kerja kelompok, gue tidak terlalu terlibat karena dianggap kurang mengerti topik yang harus didiskusikan (sekali lagi, gue nggak bermaksud menjelek-jelekkan orang-orang ini ya). Karena beberapa faktor inilah, gue merasa dikucilkan.
Gue nggak suka dikucilkan. Yang ada di benak gue sekarang adalah menjadi seseorang yang sukses kedepannya, menjadi seseorang yang tak terduga oleh orang lain. Selama ini kan, (mungkin) gue dianggap kurang pintar. Dan gue ingin membuktikan bahwa itu tidak benar; bahwa dengan keadaan kurang berprestasi ini bukan berarti gue akan memiliki masa depan yang suram. Secara tidak langsung, si bapak seakan ingin menyampaikan pesan tersembunyi ini lewat statement beliau yang tadi.
Jadi, inilah kesimpulan dari pernyataan si bapak untuk gue:
"kamu itu terlahir dengan potensi untuk meraih semua yang kamu mau, namun untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, kamu perlu bertanggung jawab dengan cara membuktikan kalau kamu bisa."
Saturday, May 14, 2011
As a spiritualist and universalist, I love to spend some free-time learning about religions and spirituality. And well, I read some informations about hell and heaven, the afterlife world that occured beyond and below us. To enter heaven, we must believe in God and accept him, and we must apply kindness in our lifetime. Those who did not know God will be perished in hell forever.
Here's what came out from my mind; for those who did not recognize God because they were in a remote area in which did not recognize religions, would they also be perished in hell? if God stated that he truly love his creations, especially humans, how could he be so heartless, throwing those people to the everlasting darkness, FOREVER? A person may only have 13 years in her lifetime, but these 13 years would determine her afterlife world. Compared to a person who own 90 years of life, this is far from fair. By having 90 years of life, he or she would have more time to develop kindness, to repent from sins. Maybe, when this person was 13 just like the first person I have mentioned before, he or she was doing bad things along with the first person. Yet, the first person eventually died and have no time to know kindness and develop it, while the second person has more time to do that. Because of this, the first person went to hell, and the second one deserves heaven. Is this fair?
The God I know is truly loving, pure and perfect. All religions have stated that God is kind. If he is kind, he would not perished Lucifer to hell forever because he knows t, there is another way to punish Lucifer, but in the other better way that would change him. He would not create hell because he knows how frightening it would be for us. He would gave many chances for us.
Well, that's just my thought, and my opinion. So I'm still questioning the existence of hell, yet I more likely to believe that it is not exist. If you still believe in hell, well it's up to you. We all have the right to believe in something.
Here's what came out from my mind; for those who did not recognize God because they were in a remote area in which did not recognize religions, would they also be perished in hell? if God stated that he truly love his creations, especially humans, how could he be so heartless, throwing those people to the everlasting darkness, FOREVER? A person may only have 13 years in her lifetime, but these 13 years would determine her afterlife world. Compared to a person who own 90 years of life, this is far from fair. By having 90 years of life, he or she would have more time to develop kindness, to repent from sins. Maybe, when this person was 13 just like the first person I have mentioned before, he or she was doing bad things along with the first person. Yet, the first person eventually died and have no time to know kindness and develop it, while the second person has more time to do that. Because of this, the first person went to hell, and the second one deserves heaven. Is this fair?
The God I know is truly loving, pure and perfect. All religions have stated that God is kind. If he is kind, he would not perished Lucifer to hell forever because he knows t, there is another way to punish Lucifer, but in the other better way that would change him. He would not create hell because he knows how frightening it would be for us. He would gave many chances for us.
Well, that's just my thought, and my opinion. So I'm still questioning the existence of hell, yet I more likely to believe that it is not exist. If you still believe in hell, well it's up to you. We all have the right to believe in something.
Dear haters,
I know that you mocked me for keep mentioning something ridiculous on twitter like those indigo thingy, pleiades thingy, aura thingy, etc, and you do not like it when I'm being proud of my original hometown. To be honest, I know the person behind my formspring questions, the one who made fun of me online. And to be honest, those things that you have done drove me into the feeling of being rejected and alone, because I realize that no one understands me for being different and seeing those psychic things by myself, without anyone else experiencing the same thing. If only you could feel what it's like to be in my posititon, and I'm not being overdramatic when I'm writing this.
So here are my words: I'm not going to hate you, I'm not going to take revenge. Even if it's hard to do, to be honest, I forgive all of you. I understand that you guys do not experience the same thing, so you may not understand what I've gone trough. And well, it's my fault for posting those kind of things to the public. I should have realize that not everyone understand the whole things I have mentioned, But please hold this in mind: Don't judge people. You don't know their life. Don't judge me for being different and for being strangely psychic. Don't blame me for being a liar without any evidence. People have no right to judge others. You do not have the right to judge me. I do not have the right to judge you.
So I'm not going to open my formspring account anymore, and it's not because I'm being coward. I'd rather live my life without knowing what people said about me than feeling miserable because all of those judgements and rejection.
I know that you mocked me for keep mentioning something ridiculous on twitter like those indigo thingy, pleiades thingy, aura thingy, etc, and you do not like it when I'm being proud of my original hometown. To be honest, I know the person behind my formspring questions, the one who made fun of me online. And to be honest, those things that you have done drove me into the feeling of being rejected and alone, because I realize that no one understands me for being different and seeing those psychic things by myself, without anyone else experiencing the same thing. If only you could feel what it's like to be in my posititon, and I'm not being overdramatic when I'm writing this.
So here are my words: I'm not going to hate you, I'm not going to take revenge. Even if it's hard to do, to be honest, I forgive all of you. I understand that you guys do not experience the same thing, so you may not understand what I've gone trough. And well, it's my fault for posting those kind of things to the public. I should have realize that not everyone understand the whole things I have mentioned, But please hold this in mind: Don't judge people. You don't know their life. Don't judge me for being different and for being strangely psychic. Don't blame me for being a liar without any evidence. People have no right to judge others. You do not have the right to judge me. I do not have the right to judge you.
So I'm not going to open my formspring account anymore, and it's not because I'm being coward. I'd rather live my life without knowing what people said about me than feeling miserable because all of those judgements and rejection.
I was doing a meditation to meet my step-grandpa just before I fell asleep. And I felt like I'm in a huge yet strange meadow along with 5 people. One of them was my step-grandpa, who ran after me and greet me happily. After a short yet deep conversation I had with him, the other 4 people came to me. Just then, I realize that they are my cousin, my seniors, and my grandpa in which I haven't met in my lifetime because he went before I was born. The strangest thing is that one of my seniors that appeared in the dream, which was also my neighbor, is someone I haven't met for a long time and someone I almost forgot. Last time I saw him, I was only a toddler, which is why I didn't really remember his characteristic. In my dream, he was taller and thinner, yet I did not recognize him before I came and said "You hardly remember me, did you? I'm Chodlori." These people in my dream, are all the ones who had left before me... I remember when my other senior, who died because of a motorcycle accident, hugged me and said "I miss them." I remember when my cousin said clearly "I didn't mean to left mom and dad alone..." And suddenly, I stood in front of a huge white orchid flower, alone. A voice of a man said to me "Are you sure that you are not afraid to die?"
Seriously, I was shocked when I woke up! This dream had successfully stuck in my head for days.
So this drawing is a tribute for these people in my dream; my step-grandpa, my grandpa, my seniors, and my cousin. Allow me to explain the philosophy I put into my drawing. the flower inside the balloon is a white orchid in which I saw in my dream when hearing the man's voice. I read some information about this flower, and they said that this flower symbolize purity, love, perfection, hope, and innocence. I'm not sure if these meanings have something to do with my dream, I haven't found it out yet. But here in my drawing, I symbolize this flower as memories and love. That world behind the door over there is heaven, in which explained by the Japanese writing on the corner left (sorry for my bad writing, I can't write Kanji actually -_-). The aurora is the gate to heaven. Well, I always have the thought that aurora looks like a bridge that would brought you somewhere beyond this earth. The butterfly symbolize the beautiful relationship I held with these people. And that bear was just a trademark for my drawing :)
Ini adalah sebuah film pendek hasil kerja keras kelas gue, 10PHY1. Film pendek ini merupakan salah satu tugas pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia yang berlaku pada seluruh kelas 10 dan 11. Sayangnya, film kami tidak mendapatkan nominasi apa-apa walaupun menurut gue film ini sudah sangat bagus (yeaah bangga :D). Yah, mungkin kelas gue lagi nggak beruntung aja waktu itu. Tapi film ini nggak mungkin selesai tanpa kekompakan murid-murid kelas 10PHY1. Anyways, enjoy!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Barusan gue baca-baca tweetsnya @SejarahRI dan melihat foto Gedung Graha Garuda, yang berupa seperti ini:
Garuda merupakan burung dari mitologi Jawa yang dipakai sebagai lambang kebangaan Indonesia, dengan 5 Sila di dadanya. Dan gedung ini merupakan wujud raksasa dari lambang Pancasila yang menampilkan kelima sila dan tanggal kemerdekaan Indonesia. Menurut http://info-cileungsi.blogspot.com/, Graha Garuda Tiara dulunya merupakan 'asrama' bagi para siswa peserta Kirab Remaja yang dibangun oleh Mbak Tutut. Sayang, karena keterbatasan biaya, pembangunan pun dihentikan, dan kini gedung ini terbengkalai begitu saja di pinggir jalan raya Cileungsi-Cibinong. Mirisnya, label Gedung Graha Indonesia yang berdiri di depan gedung telah dilumuri berbagai graffiti dari tangan-tangan nakal.
Inilah kondisi negara sekarang; kurangnya rasa nasionalisme dan rasa menghargai terhadap orang lain atau hasil jerih payah seseorang. Selain bukti di atas, bisa kita lihat bahwa masih banyak yang tidak hafal kelima sila yang terukir di dada sang pancasila. Bahkan lagu "Indonesia Raya" saja masih banyak yang lupa. Mungkin saja rasa nasionalisme itu pudar dari sebagian rakyat karena kondisi Indonesia yang dianggap masih terbelakang dibandingkan dengan negara lain. Padahal, dari sisi lain, Indonesia masih bisa dibilang maju. Lihat saja kekayaan budaya yang kita miliki, dan keindahan alam yang mempesona dan telah menjadi daya tarik para wisatawan! Kita punya Raja Ampat, Bali, Candi Borobudur, dan masih banyak lagi. Selain itu, kita punya ratusan budaya dan bahasa daerah dari berbagai kawasan di tanah air, yang belum tentu dimiliki oleh negara lain. Jika kita cukup peduli dengan negara kita, tentu budaya-budaya ini dapat berkembang dengan baik dan diperhatikan oleh dunia internasional. Budaya-budaya dan kekayaan alam negeri dapat menjadi sesuatu yang bisa dibanggakan oleh warga negara Indonesia, namun tentu saja ini tidak akan terjadi tanpa partisipasi kita sebagai warga. Apa yang bisa kita lakukan kalau begitu? Kita bisa menganut sistem pancasila (yang kabarnya mendapatkan pujian dari Ulama Lebanon :D), dan belajar lebih dalam mengenai budaya-budaya negara ini. Untuk yang hobi menari, bisa mempelajari tarian daerah. Untuk yang hobi musik, bisa mempelajari alat-alat musik tradisional yang nggak kalah seru untuk dimainkan. Untuk yang tertarik dengan literatur, bisa membuat karya sastra yang mengandung unsur nasionalisme.
Soal rasa menghargai, sepertinya nilai santun yang satu ini masih kurang diterapkan disini. Dapat kita lihat bahwa sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia masih lebih memihak nilai akademis ketimbang tata krama dan sopan santun. Rata-rata murid di Indonesia telah menghabiskan kira-kira 8 jam di sekolah untuk belajar secara formal, dan beberapa sekolah masih terlalu terpaku dengan buku pelajaran yang isinya terbatas. Kegiatan yang meliputi rasa menghargai kurang diterapkan meskipun di sebagian sekolah sudah ada, seperti apresiasi seni hasil para seniman tanah air, debat, dsb. Padahal kalo rasa menghargai sudah diterapkan sejak dini, budaya-budaya di Indonesia bisa lebih berkembang, begitu juga dengan hasil karya para ilmuwan lokal yang sebenarnya cukup berkembang namun kurang diperhatikan oleh masyarakat.
Sekian untuk hari ini. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika!
Garuda merupakan burung dari mitologi Jawa yang dipakai sebagai lambang kebangaan Indonesia, dengan 5 Sila di dadanya. Dan gedung ini merupakan wujud raksasa dari lambang Pancasila yang menampilkan kelima sila dan tanggal kemerdekaan Indonesia. Menurut http://info-cileungsi.blogspot.com/, Graha Garuda Tiara dulunya merupakan 'asrama' bagi para siswa peserta Kirab Remaja yang dibangun oleh Mbak Tutut. Sayang, karena keterbatasan biaya, pembangunan pun dihentikan, dan kini gedung ini terbengkalai begitu saja di pinggir jalan raya Cileungsi-Cibinong. Mirisnya, label Gedung Graha Indonesia yang berdiri di depan gedung telah dilumuri berbagai graffiti dari tangan-tangan nakal.
Inilah kondisi negara sekarang; kurangnya rasa nasionalisme dan rasa menghargai terhadap orang lain atau hasil jerih payah seseorang. Selain bukti di atas, bisa kita lihat bahwa masih banyak yang tidak hafal kelima sila yang terukir di dada sang pancasila. Bahkan lagu "Indonesia Raya" saja masih banyak yang lupa. Mungkin saja rasa nasionalisme itu pudar dari sebagian rakyat karena kondisi Indonesia yang dianggap masih terbelakang dibandingkan dengan negara lain. Padahal, dari sisi lain, Indonesia masih bisa dibilang maju. Lihat saja kekayaan budaya yang kita miliki, dan keindahan alam yang mempesona dan telah menjadi daya tarik para wisatawan! Kita punya Raja Ampat, Bali, Candi Borobudur, dan masih banyak lagi. Selain itu, kita punya ratusan budaya dan bahasa daerah dari berbagai kawasan di tanah air, yang belum tentu dimiliki oleh negara lain. Jika kita cukup peduli dengan negara kita, tentu budaya-budaya ini dapat berkembang dengan baik dan diperhatikan oleh dunia internasional. Budaya-budaya dan kekayaan alam negeri dapat menjadi sesuatu yang bisa dibanggakan oleh warga negara Indonesia, namun tentu saja ini tidak akan terjadi tanpa partisipasi kita sebagai warga. Apa yang bisa kita lakukan kalau begitu? Kita bisa menganut sistem pancasila (yang kabarnya mendapatkan pujian dari Ulama Lebanon :D), dan belajar lebih dalam mengenai budaya-budaya negara ini. Untuk yang hobi menari, bisa mempelajari tarian daerah. Untuk yang hobi musik, bisa mempelajari alat-alat musik tradisional yang nggak kalah seru untuk dimainkan. Untuk yang tertarik dengan literatur, bisa membuat karya sastra yang mengandung unsur nasionalisme.
Soal rasa menghargai, sepertinya nilai santun yang satu ini masih kurang diterapkan disini. Dapat kita lihat bahwa sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia masih lebih memihak nilai akademis ketimbang tata krama dan sopan santun. Rata-rata murid di Indonesia telah menghabiskan kira-kira 8 jam di sekolah untuk belajar secara formal, dan beberapa sekolah masih terlalu terpaku dengan buku pelajaran yang isinya terbatas. Kegiatan yang meliputi rasa menghargai kurang diterapkan meskipun di sebagian sekolah sudah ada, seperti apresiasi seni hasil para seniman tanah air, debat, dsb. Padahal kalo rasa menghargai sudah diterapkan sejak dini, budaya-budaya di Indonesia bisa lebih berkembang, begitu juga dengan hasil karya para ilmuwan lokal yang sebenarnya cukup berkembang namun kurang diperhatikan oleh masyarakat.
Sekian untuk hari ini. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika!
Wishes. Everybody must have at least one
wish for something. Many of them wish upon the star of the sky.
Did you notice how magical a star could be, and as you whispered a wish in your heart, it would shine brightly? Magic does exist, as long as you believe, and as long as there's hope. :)
Don't give up hope! Believe!
wish for something. Many of them wish upon the star of the sky.
Did you notice how magical a star could be, and as you whispered a wish in your heart, it would shine brightly? Magic does exist, as long as you believe, and as long as there's hope. :)
Don't give up hope! Believe!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
This is not from me. I'm only writing what I've been told to.
Dear humans,
I know that some of you think the earth is full of chaos, cruelness, unfairness, evilness. I know that some of you thinks that the earthy life is monotonous, black and white. I know that this makes you feel frustrated, confuse, lost.
My dear humans, if the earth you live in today is purely full of chaos, cruelness, unfairness, and evilness, such world will never exist. The universe does not need a world full of negative energy. Our universe seeks peace and love, the positive energy. The earth itself still own kindness, peace, love, which may be invisible most of the time. Your job is to increase this positive energy level, by sharing your kindness towards other beings that exist in your earth. If you seek this energy without having the desire to create it, you will never find it.
As you reach the higher level of the peace and love energy, you will no longer recognize any kinds of chaos, and you will gain happiness in life.
Dear humans,
Some of you may suffer from many chaos that the nature had created. All of those earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, destroys everything, physically and psychologically. This must have been create such rough year to you, as the pain appear and increases.
My dear humans, these disasters did not happen as coincidences. Things happen for a reason, and the reason behind these chaotic disasters is a karma of human beings deeds toward the mother nature. She lives in pain because of these deeds, that sometimes may considered as normal deeds because everyone is doing it, such as illegal logging or littering. The mother nature is trying to warn you from all of this natural disaster.
The mother nature is alive. All of the trees, the skies, and the ground itself, unite as the mother nature. She feels, she sees, she hears. Mother nature needs you, humans, to take care of her, as she will also supply your needs as long as you take your responsibilities towards the mother nature. As you take a good care of her, she will protect you.
You can do varies of activities to take a good care of mother nature. You can stop littering in wrong places, you can plant more trees or your favorite magnificent flowers, you can create nature friendly technologies; anything you like. And you can feel the joy mother nature feel from your deeds as she will show her kindness to you.
Dear humans,
I know that some of you think the earth is full of chaos, cruelness, unfairness, evilness. I know that some of you thinks that the earthy life is monotonous, black and white. I know that this makes you feel frustrated, confuse, lost.
My dear humans, if the earth you live in today is purely full of chaos, cruelness, unfairness, and evilness, such world will never exist. The universe does not need a world full of negative energy. Our universe seeks peace and love, the positive energy. The earth itself still own kindness, peace, love, which may be invisible most of the time. Your job is to increase this positive energy level, by sharing your kindness towards other beings that exist in your earth. If you seek this energy without having the desire to create it, you will never find it.
As you reach the higher level of the peace and love energy, you will no longer recognize any kinds of chaos, and you will gain happiness in life.
Dear humans,
Some of you may suffer from many chaos that the nature had created. All of those earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, destroys everything, physically and psychologically. This must have been create such rough year to you, as the pain appear and increases.
My dear humans, these disasters did not happen as coincidences. Things happen for a reason, and the reason behind these chaotic disasters is a karma of human beings deeds toward the mother nature. She lives in pain because of these deeds, that sometimes may considered as normal deeds because everyone is doing it, such as illegal logging or littering. The mother nature is trying to warn you from all of this natural disaster.
The mother nature is alive. All of the trees, the skies, and the ground itself, unite as the mother nature. She feels, she sees, she hears. Mother nature needs you, humans, to take care of her, as she will also supply your needs as long as you take your responsibilities towards the mother nature. As you take a good care of her, she will protect you.
You can do varies of activities to take a good care of mother nature. You can stop littering in wrong places, you can plant more trees or your favorite magnificent flowers, you can create nature friendly technologies; anything you like. And you can feel the joy mother nature feel from your deeds as she will show her kindness to you.
So I own 2 empty glass soda bottles at home taken from a restaurant. Instead of throwing it away, an idea popped inside my head! So last night, I squeeze some colorful bottles of glass ink onto the surface of the bottle, drew a little girl meditate under the moon light that shines trough her window. She sends her hopes and dreams trough her magical imagination, which is shown in the other side of the bottle; a fairy pouring a bucket of "magic" into a big pond. I left an empty space in the pond so people are able to see what's inside the bottle. Also, I painted a "Luck" mandala underneath the bottle to make it more interesting.
And here's how it works; write your wishes on a piece of paper, fold it and let no one could see what you've wrote (you know what they say: don't tell people what you've wished for to make it comes true ;D), and put it inside the bottle. Well, this is for fun only, but perhaps a piece of miracle would appear around the bottle and someday, you'll find out that your wishes are coming true :)
And here's how it works; write your wishes on a piece of paper, fold it and let no one could see what you've wrote (you know what they say: don't tell people what you've wished for to make it comes true ;D), and put it inside the bottle. Well, this is for fun only, but perhaps a piece of miracle would appear around the bottle and someday, you'll find out that your wishes are coming true :)
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Luck Mandala |
Something beautiful about life is that we may be separated physically, but our souls united in the Glory of God, the creator and the healer of sins and agony. We do belong to each other, living this life in need of others as well as others need us. You may not know me as well as I don't know the strangers I found on the street, we physically do not recognize some people that are sharing the same world with us because there are many of them. We are physically limited, yet if we look deeper into our hearts and soul, we notice that we are connected to each other. We are a part of God himself, pieces of his glorious soul, unite in his pure heart. Some people are crying out there, feeling lonely and retarded, and as his/her brother/sister let us send our energy of love trough meditation, prayers, or anything that you feel comfortable with, to erase the tears of sadness and loneliness from this planet. We step in the same universe, created by the same God, we are all brothers and sisters, a big family, living this life with each role, reaching the same goal: peace and love.
My guardian fairy send me a message trough a beautiful dream years ago, and I still remember clearly what she told me.
11:11= a symbol of fun-loving spirit, spiritual guardian. Perhaps we live to guard each other, to guide each other and remind each other that we are one.
My guardian fairy send me a message trough a beautiful dream years ago, and I still remember clearly what she told me.
"You are me, I am you, we are one, 11:11."
11:11= a symbol of fun-loving spirit, spiritual guardian. Perhaps we live to guard each other, to guide each other and remind each other that we are one.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Whoa what a day!
After passing a night full of agony and thoughts, I came to school with such exhausted and gloomy auras around me. I have no desire to do anything until I came to a special needs teacher who was waiting for me to have a talk.
As I entered his room, he asked about my race and my town. I was pretty much surprised because usually, people would just ask your first name, age, hobbies, etc. Then, he asked me some deep stuffs like my visions and abilites. I told him about my strange dreams and so-called 'visions', and messages that I 'heard' from the nature. I was pretty awkward at first because I never talk about these things ever since I got some rejections from people because they think this is ridiculous, so I literally keep things by myself. He smiled and told me about his experiences. We talked about reincarnation, beliefs, spiritual body, chakras; a topic that is unusual for teenagers. In the middle of the conversation, he stopped for a while, and said: "he was here."
"who?" I asked.
"A part of you, your guardian."
"Did he wore white robe, and has short fair hair with blue eyes?"
"Yes he is."
This is somehow relieving because at least I know now that my visions are true and real, and I am not the only one who could 'see' this kind of things. After discussing about guardians, we talked about past life. He told me that he passed several lives; he was a robber in Europe *but he stole for the sake of society in his town*, and he was also a part of the Majapahit kingdom back then and predicted that I may joined him back then. Then again, he stopped and looked at me. He said that my face changed, became a very familiar face to him. And I suddenly 'see' a picture; there was a garden full of people wearing Javanese batik and old-style kebayas. There was a water spring in the middle of the garden, along with women and men sitting around it, having some tea and chat. There was a man sitting behind the water spring with fancy and artistic clothes, in which I considered as the king. At the end of the vision, he told me that I was a Javanese princess long time ago. My eyes are trully black, and before I saw this picture and before he told me about this, I did have the feeling about being a princess. I feel like living in a fancy life back then, but never take a deeper look to this feeling.
As the conversation were getting deeper and deeper, I feel like my energy is increasing, I feel more powerful than before! I was able to see the color vibrations of my teacher very clearly and see many pictures. It's like my abilities are growing and the burdens burried in my mind were sucked out slowly... My teacher noticed this and mentioned that I am actually very powerful; I should use and develop this power for the sake of other's good. Suddenly, another teacher came in to take something and asked me about his potential. He said that he wanted to take a bigger step in his career and that he wants to seek time to develop his spirituality, and in order to fulfill this he will leave this school and go somewhere in which he would fulfill his destiny. He wondered if he could do that. And I automatically answered his question in a very mature way while I never done such thing! It's like seeing someone talking trough my body; I talked like a 50 year old, like I am way older than he is... I was really surprised by my the words that came out from my own mouth. I told him that he has the potential if he wanted to and to clear his mind from the negative thoughts; he's been thinking about the 'distractions' that may disturb him along the step he takes. I told him that one's mind is very powerful; more powerful than a physical body, because everything that happens to us right now came from our own thoughts. So if he filled his mind with positive thoughts, things will flow easily. The distractions that come along the way is challenge; one must find a way to get out of there so when the same door of distraction comes, one knows the key to open its door and to continue walking. I wasn't planning to said this; the words flow by themselves trough my voice... It felt amazing to know that I have the potential to do these things. well actually, all of us could do such thing :)
So yeah, no more depression, no more gloomy aura! I will always do this, in fact, extra senses could not be remove but they could be developed into something useful for one's life. And just like the Buddha said: "The chaos you see, is only a distraction. keep on your own path." Don't listen to what they said, just do it! Believe in yourself :)
After passing a night full of agony and thoughts, I came to school with such exhausted and gloomy auras around me. I have no desire to do anything until I came to a special needs teacher who was waiting for me to have a talk.
As I entered his room, he asked about my race and my town. I was pretty much surprised because usually, people would just ask your first name, age, hobbies, etc. Then, he asked me some deep stuffs like my visions and abilites. I told him about my strange dreams and so-called 'visions', and messages that I 'heard' from the nature. I was pretty awkward at first because I never talk about these things ever since I got some rejections from people because they think this is ridiculous, so I literally keep things by myself. He smiled and told me about his experiences. We talked about reincarnation, beliefs, spiritual body, chakras; a topic that is unusual for teenagers. In the middle of the conversation, he stopped for a while, and said: "he was here."
"who?" I asked.
"A part of you, your guardian."
"Did he wore white robe, and has short fair hair with blue eyes?"
"Yes he is."
This is somehow relieving because at least I know now that my visions are true and real, and I am not the only one who could 'see' this kind of things. After discussing about guardians, we talked about past life. He told me that he passed several lives; he was a robber in Europe *but he stole for the sake of society in his town*, and he was also a part of the Majapahit kingdom back then and predicted that I may joined him back then. Then again, he stopped and looked at me. He said that my face changed, became a very familiar face to him. And I suddenly 'see' a picture; there was a garden full of people wearing Javanese batik and old-style kebayas. There was a water spring in the middle of the garden, along with women and men sitting around it, having some tea and chat. There was a man sitting behind the water spring with fancy and artistic clothes, in which I considered as the king. At the end of the vision, he told me that I was a Javanese princess long time ago. My eyes are trully black, and before I saw this picture and before he told me about this, I did have the feeling about being a princess. I feel like living in a fancy life back then, but never take a deeper look to this feeling.
As the conversation were getting deeper and deeper, I feel like my energy is increasing, I feel more powerful than before! I was able to see the color vibrations of my teacher very clearly and see many pictures. It's like my abilities are growing and the burdens burried in my mind were sucked out slowly... My teacher noticed this and mentioned that I am actually very powerful; I should use and develop this power for the sake of other's good. Suddenly, another teacher came in to take something and asked me about his potential. He said that he wanted to take a bigger step in his career and that he wants to seek time to develop his spirituality, and in order to fulfill this he will leave this school and go somewhere in which he would fulfill his destiny. He wondered if he could do that. And I automatically answered his question in a very mature way while I never done such thing! It's like seeing someone talking trough my body; I talked like a 50 year old, like I am way older than he is... I was really surprised by my the words that came out from my own mouth. I told him that he has the potential if he wanted to and to clear his mind from the negative thoughts; he's been thinking about the 'distractions' that may disturb him along the step he takes. I told him that one's mind is very powerful; more powerful than a physical body, because everything that happens to us right now came from our own thoughts. So if he filled his mind with positive thoughts, things will flow easily. The distractions that come along the way is challenge; one must find a way to get out of there so when the same door of distraction comes, one knows the key to open its door and to continue walking. I wasn't planning to said this; the words flow by themselves trough my voice... It felt amazing to know that I have the potential to do these things. well actually, all of us could do such thing :)
So yeah, no more depression, no more gloomy aura! I will always do this, in fact, extra senses could not be remove but they could be developed into something useful for one's life. And just like the Buddha said: "The chaos you see, is only a distraction. keep on your own path." Don't listen to what they said, just do it! Believe in yourself :)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I'm sorry for posting this and if this post affects your day. I have a lot of things hitting my mind each second so I need to let go of the stress inside. One effective way for me to do this is to describe this in words and in poetic ways. I just love writing in poetic ways because it's always been helpful for me! And Idk why I prefer writing this online rather than typing this using Word or something. Perhaps because my Word sucks and I haven't update it -_-" So if you think this will waste your time or this is a complete nonsense, please skip it :)
Oh God, look at me. I am a pathetic being, weak and lost, blinded in my own misery in which created by my own foolishness. Here is my cross, laying on my back, as it is getting heavier in each step I take when walking in my path. There's a light in the end, I know. Yet my body is shivering, my soul is screaming. At the end, my spirit will be carried to the light anyway. I am reaching the time when I feel hopeless and helpless, I cannot do anything to fulfill this mission. As I try to find the way, I wasted my energy each day, getting weaker and exhausted. I should have been happy with all I am, but I just can't. The burdens inside me surround my mind every single day without giving me a break to think clearly and to refresh. I know that these burdens are actually helping me give an understanding towards everything that happen around me; fear, agony, tears... Burdens help me understand how it feels like to be in their position. Yet will all these things happening to me, I barely breath. I have precious friends guiding me and supporting me along the way, yet I am walking on this path alone. Will someone help me carry this cross of burdens, walk with me together until the end of the path? Or will I be forever alone and tired?
Oh God, look at me. I am a pathetic being, weak and lost, blinded in my own misery in which created by my own foolishness. Here is my cross, laying on my back, as it is getting heavier in each step I take when walking in my path. There's a light in the end, I know. Yet my body is shivering, my soul is screaming. At the end, my spirit will be carried to the light anyway. I am reaching the time when I feel hopeless and helpless, I cannot do anything to fulfill this mission. As I try to find the way, I wasted my energy each day, getting weaker and exhausted. I should have been happy with all I am, but I just can't. The burdens inside me surround my mind every single day without giving me a break to think clearly and to refresh. I know that these burdens are actually helping me give an understanding towards everything that happen around me; fear, agony, tears... Burdens help me understand how it feels like to be in their position. Yet will all these things happening to me, I barely breath. I have precious friends guiding me and supporting me along the way, yet I am walking on this path alone. Will someone help me carry this cross of burdens, walk with me together until the end of the path? Or will I be forever alone and tired?
This is my favorite Hindu mantra. As you can hear from the song, it is very soothing and peaceful. Here are the lyrics:
Aum Bhur Bhuva Svah
tát savitúr váreṇyaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt
and according to top comments in youtube, this is the short meaning of the mantra itself:
Monday, May 2, 2011
Like I said before, I really adore this song and I just can't stop listening to it. The lyrics are currently stuck in my head, flowing in my mind each day.
and here's the wonderful lyrics:
Standing by the window
Eyes upon the moon
Hoping that the memory will leave her spirit soon
She shuts the doors and lights
And lays her body on the bed
Where images and words are running deep
She has too much pride to pull the sheets above her head
So quietly she lays and waits for sleep
She stares at the ceiling
And tries not to think
And pictures the chain
She's been trying to link again
But the feeling is gone
And water can't cover her memory
And ashes can't answer her pain
God give me the power to take breath from a breeze
And call life from a cold metal frame
In with the ashes
Or up with the smoke from the fire
With wings up in heaven
Or here, lying in bed
Palm of her hand to my head
Now and forever curled in my heart
And the heart of the world
and here's the wonderful lyrics:
Standing by the window
Eyes upon the moon
Hoping that the memory will leave her spirit soon
She shuts the doors and lights
And lays her body on the bed
Where images and words are running deep
She has too much pride to pull the sheets above her head
So quietly she lays and waits for sleep
She stares at the ceiling
And tries not to think
And pictures the chain
She's been trying to link again
But the feeling is gone
And water can't cover her memory
And ashes can't answer her pain
God give me the power to take breath from a breeze
And call life from a cold metal frame
In with the ashes
Or up with the smoke from the fire
With wings up in heaven
Or here, lying in bed
Palm of her hand to my head
Now and forever curled in my heart
And the heart of the world
I'm having hard times these days and I was loosing my desire to do anything. I was really tired and was barely focus on what I should learn at school, and I did nothing but laying on the bed at home. I currently have lots of things running in my mind, they even bother my physical body. I get exhausted easily, and sometimes I feel like my heart is beating heavily. I sweat a lot when I wasn't supposed to, and sometimes found it hard to breath normally.
I talked to some of my best friends about what's happening to me these days, and even tho they cannot give the exact advice, I really do appreciate their effort to help and to listen to me :) In fact, that is what I mostly need. Their effort proves that they actually care. Humans do need caring friends to live a life. And I'm once again very lucky to have them! And yet, their simple advices are the foundation of my ability to walk further. They said that I should just be myself no matter what happens, because the world itself requires my uniqueness. Even tho rejections happen, acceptance does exist. They said that I should just enjoy life and let it be, because happiness came from yourself; from the way you see life.
Best friends are, indeed, the little lights hanging on the night sky, just like pieces of diamonds scattered on the dark and gloomy atmosphere. In such endless sky, they shine; showing us the way, remind us that no matter how dark it is, there will be a light that brightens everything unseen.
I talked to some of my best friends about what's happening to me these days, and even tho they cannot give the exact advice, I really do appreciate their effort to help and to listen to me :) In fact, that is what I mostly need. Their effort proves that they actually care. Humans do need caring friends to live a life. And I'm once again very lucky to have them! And yet, their simple advices are the foundation of my ability to walk further. They said that I should just be myself no matter what happens, because the world itself requires my uniqueness. Even tho rejections happen, acceptance does exist. They said that I should just enjoy life and let it be, because happiness came from yourself; from the way you see life.
Best friends are, indeed, the little lights hanging on the night sky, just like pieces of diamonds scattered on the dark and gloomy atmosphere. In such endless sky, they shine; showing us the way, remind us that no matter how dark it is, there will be a light that brightens everything unseen.
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Who has created the Universe;
Who is worthy of Worship;
Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light;
Who is the remover of all Sin and Ignorance;
May He enlighten our Intellect...
Very beatitul, very true indeed. Feel the vibes that comes out from the mantra. Speak it from your heart and mind, let it flows around your soul...