Friday, March 30, 2012


All existing religions teach us about faith. They said that if we have faith we will have courage to face hard times in life and to take risks when we're on our way to The Light. People with faith are way stronger and happy.

Ever wonder how it works?

Having faith means we rely ourselves to God, or what I called as All That Is (because God is Alpha and Omega, God is the universe, God is in the people). God is the beginning of every existence in life planes, meaning that God is ALSO a power source to everything. The religious very often pray so that they have strength to live. They connect themselves to life's most powerful Power Source that contains perfection. This pretty much explains why most of the time, the religious tend to be more courageous and happy. 

We tend to focus too much to our physical plane; also known as our mortal life whilst we also have spiritual plane to deal with. This leads to chaotic unbalances, thus giving us pressures in life. We unconsciously create a cliff that separates our physical plane and spiritual plane. Our physical plane grows weak without spirit, because spirit is what we need to make our physical plane lives. 

How can we reconnect, then? By having faith. Faith is the bridge that connects spirit and physical plane. By having faith we remember how powerful we are if we remember that we are also a part of All That Is. We control life and not backwards. Therefore, we do not fear anything. 

Most people build their faith with prayers, reading holy bibles, or meditation. All of them are effective, depends on which one suits you the best. Also, you don't have to be a religious person if you want to pray. You don't have to be religious to do them (meaning that having a religious belief. I also need to explain that religion is one of the ways to reunite with All That Is). It does not matter as long as you truly believe that you are worth and precious to All That Is and you are a part of the universe. 



I’m currently having some holidays as a reward from school for being a hard-worker during Mid-Term test. Since I have some free time and I do not want to spend them with boredoms or thinking about some problems I have to deal with so I beg my dad to visit Bandung so I can get a chance to see my big fams. And well, I just got home, and I must say: holiday, well spent!!

Here is my definition of simple joy: when I have a holiday and I can spend it it to go to my favorite city, meet my family, chillin around with my adorable lil cousins and spent the entire night talking about lots of stuffs with my beloved elder cousin. J

Why such simplest things matter this much to me? Because I love my family, I really do. I adore the innocence of my little guy cousin. I love hearing stories from my girl cousin whose age is a year younger than mine. I love to have everlasting conversations with my elder guy cousin till midnight. I must say that I very often feel lonesome here in my own home for not having a sister or a brother to troll, to hang, or to talk with most of the time. That’s why I am very pleased to have this opportunity in my precious holidays.

Nothing can describe how happy I was. This just made my entire week J I wish I was still at Bandung!

Also, I conclude that joy came out from the power of love. That’s what makes the feeling of joy precious.

Namaste and may the joy be with you!

Monday, March 26, 2012


So the mid-test was over at Wednesday but it was a must to go to school on Thursday to check for remedial and not-yet-submitted assignments. Thankfully I've submitted all my assignments and I have no remedials so I ended up doing nothing but trolling around and attending excursion briefing. In the morning me and some of my friends had to design our posters for a competition on Monday but nobody gives a damn and so Ghea hacked my phone and I trolled Nurul with Ibam and Jordie, and I also did some gossiping with them and some social students in the library. We were talking about our classes this year and how fun it is to be an eleventh-grader. They gave some compliments about my current class because we're really close to each other and we get along really well when it comes to class activities and class competitions. Me so happy and proud cuz it's true :D After some briefing I went to the art students' class and heard their jokes, I must admit that I went home feeling so tired for laughing too hard because of them X) We also had a short yet deep conversation about beliefs which is pretty illuminating. I felt comfortable to be with these kids because they are actually nice and friendly. 

Well despite the seemingly-ordinary explanations about the day itself I was actually enjoying the times I had. It is rare for me to hang around with kids from other pathways due to some stuffs we had to do. Students from each existing pathway had their own prominent characteristics. For example, science students are competitive, social students are 'colorful' meaning that you'll find all kinds of students there, and art students are imaginative. And by being with them I can feel that atmosphere, the atmosphere I never had in science class. It feels kinda unique :)

At Saturday, I attended the IUSCC gathering at a mall. IUSCC stands for "Indonesia US Comic Collectors". Yup, I officially became a fan of comics nowadays (oh, and I got Thor and Loki "Blood Brothers" from a doorprize :D) Yet ever since I joined the gathering I realized that I'm still a 'beginner' for this since there are A LOT of things that I do not know yet. These people are hardcore fans of Marvel and DC comics they even collected the vintages one which is really awesome! I feel so small during the gathering so I don't talk much that time X) Well, I better read more comics, then! Just that... I don't have that much of money for comics and action figures. Yet. 

Anyways my eating habit has gone mad lately. I think I have that 'sugar craving' thingy. Maybe because I didn't consume candies and chocolates for a long time and when I bought a small pack of candies and a small bar of chocolate I became 'addicted' to them somehow. Now I'm craving for a cheesecake which is also my favorite dessert and yet I haven't touch any slice for a very long time. Well this is dangerous and I know I should prevent myself from consuming a lot of sugars :/

Well that's all for now. Namaste, beloved ones!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


I have a friend who’s currently having hard times and is lonely. She told me she couldn’t express how she feels to everyone but her best friends and me. The day I heard what happened to her, I began to understand everything. She’s like the reflection of how I was a year before now, confused and alone. Scared and hurt. Weak and insecure.

And I understand why I am allowed to be her listener or why I have to experience such pitiful situation that I don’t even want to remember.

Some situations are complicated enough that not even psychologists could handle. Life consists of physical plane and the unseen. But then again not everyone understand this; only some with experience can.

 To be in the experience itself may not be wonderful. It is rather an assault for the weak. We may be wise when we’re not in the situation. But if we’re standing there everything seems empty and unfair.

The situation itself is self-insecurity or questioning who we are. The question comes from a loss of a part of us. The part I’m talking about can be someone we truly love, a place we called home, and other things we love so much. Moreover, we forgot that the answer of our question is in our hand yet we keep seeking. Thus depression strikes and then we’ll feel that no one understand us. Not even ourselves. We lose direction. At this point negativity can enter freely because we’re empty and fragile. This results as if problems are endless and we can never have a break. We began to feel pathetic, useless. And there’s no one to blame but us.

Also, this is a different thing. When someone posses the ability to feel the ‘unseen’ for the very first time, they feel nothing but fear and disturbance. She had an awakening; meaning that she now realizes life is not always physical. Life is more than science can explain or what the bible has told us. She feels that someone has been watching her and sometimes it’s like her spirit is trying to escape when she’s spacing out.

Having 2 hard conditions at the same time weakens her, and now she’s in danger spiritually.

That’s how she feels, and how I felt. Even without her explanations I can sense how she feels just by seeing her tired and empty eyes, but still I was a bit surprise to hear that coming from her. I never thought that someone would experience the exact thing.

Helping her to get through is a challenge for me but no matter how hard it is I have to fulfill it. I made a promise with my mentor, who was helping me when I was at her position a year ago. He messaged me that “you must give what you receive.” And so I will.

So I asked her the main points. She feels that she’s affecting everyone with bad things and she couldn’t stop blaming herself. She feels that someone’s been ‘watching’ her all the time. And no matter how easy it is she couldn’t stay positive.

I told her that the life she sees and hear is only a dramatic illusion that can end at any time. What I meant by illusion is that everyone can shape his or her life. We are the ‘god’ of our life; everything we desire to happen WILL happen. Everything we desire to perish WILL perish. As such, we humans invented money, and now this material is affecting our people to egoisms and everlasting crisis. If we invent it, we can also perish it. So if she created the illusion of guiltiness she can also perish it, and if she wants to be positive and stay that way, she can. Life is a choice.

As for the awakening, I noticed that her root chakra has been overactive so I make it into 1/5 active by using simple reiki methods my mentor has taught me (and this is also the method that stops me from having daily nightmares and astral projections). If a root chakra is overactive, there’ll be a huge amount of energy and we’re not conscious enough to use the energy our spirit will automatically use it for something that drains our energy in instant. Astral projections and OBE are the activity that can be very tiring.

She also asked me, “How can I love myself?” I answered “See yourself as a stranger unseen by everyone else but you. She is weak and lonely. By being the only one who can understand her, give her what she needs.” And she doesn’t even know that the inspiration of this answer came from her.

She's still struggling for now but I'm sure that she won't give up. I'll do my best to help her and anyone else anyway I can :)

There are still a lot to tell but as a conclusion, I understand the true meaning of experience now and I am very grateful for that. Experience taught me to be a teacher of someone else. And I’m positive that my friend will be a teacher for someone who’s having her situation in the future :)
