It's always fun to read your own past life! It's like you're watching a series of a movie that came out from your subconscious memory. You are the main actor of each series, and at the same time, the audience! One of the series could be really enjoyable to watch, the other one would be like a thriller movie.

It's actually easy to read your own past life. You don't need a psychic to do that for you! If you witness your own past life flashbacks, it would be really exciting! All you need to do is visualize a place where you feel very peaceful, for a common example, beach. My friend imagined herself sailing trough the calm waves of the sea to the light were she began to remember some pieces of memories from her past life. I did my past life reading by imagined myself walking to an abstract 5-dimensional door and began to see scenarios behind it. Focus on your main purpose on doing this visualization and remember to trust yourself. Don't be confused with abstract thing that you see, it may be a small part of your past life. Let yourself see the big picture of this piece of memory. If you doubt your own 'sight', the pictures of your past life would faded away.
Here's some of my own interesting past life experiences. I was once an advisory of old Egyptian queen. I'm not sure whether it's Cleopatra or Pharaoh, or maybe another queen of Egypt. But I remember her kindness and how close I was to her. I was a guy in here, young and prestigious. I remember the 'castle' in which I lived along with the queen. In every side of the castle, I saw hierograph carves and some old-styled jug. Yesterday I saw a strange equipment I used to have back then. It was a cone with some hierograph writings on it and there's somekind of an eye in the middle of it. I personally believe that this is a simple equipment to stargaze in this era, even if it's not a telescope but it is helpful to find constellations. I used to stargaze (and this hobby is still sticking to my soul today) and do some sacred traditions under the stars. Still not sure what this tradition is, I'm still revealing this life though.
This one is tragic. I was a widow living alone the city somewhere in the middle-east area. One day, I witnessed a guy stealing something from a seller, and beside this guy, I was the only one who stand there. Everything seemed to happened so fast that suddenly, the seller came to his stand and blame me for stealing one of his expensive item. He then, along with some citizens of the city, brought me to the queen for a punishment. Since the item was considered expensive and rare, I was executed for death. They cutoff my neck before I was allowed to speak the truth. As the result of my grudge, in the next past life, I became a psychopath man, living a 'seemed-to-be' normal life in the morning and wander outside with a very sharp knife at night. I mostly kill woman or young man in a very sadistic way, it was really shocking to saw. Even until today, I still feel faint when walking alone at night. Well it's a good thing that I'm afraid of sharp equipment :P
And I finally reach the state in which I could enjoy a peaceful life in one of the Javanese kingdom, back then in year 600. I was one of the princess of this kingdom. I have a brother and 3 sisters, one of them was younger than me. Surprisingly, my brother is now my senior in school in this present life! My royal family had several warriors and one of them is also my senior in high school (since he believed in past life, I told him about this XD). A friend of mine, a girl from the village in my kingdom, is now holding a role of being a biology teacher at my present school. Sometimes, you got a feeling that you knew this person before even if you really haven't met each other. This strange deja vu like phenomena would have a connection with past life.
My royal home was very traditionalistic yet beautiful. There was a big garden in the middle along with water spring and royal or honored people used to gathered around there drinking teas, singing, or joking around. My father and mother, the king and queen, used to sat in their royal chair in the front of the garden, happily enjoying the moment of the gathering time. In the back of the royal home, there was a mini waterfall and pond, a place where me and my sisters used to play or chilling around in the humid afternoon.
And well, this past life is the most clear and detailed from other past lives I've read. It was around year 1600, in a quiet village of Japan. I lived in a small cottage along with an elder brother and there was a large sakura tree and a small river in the front. There were only two of us since our parents had passed away when we were younger but luckily, our neighbors are kind enough to land a help whether we need one.
During teenage-hood, I used to make traditional toys and dolls for sale and especially for the children of my village, and my brother worked as a farmer just life the other men in this village. I remembered that there used to be a little girl with short hair visiting our cottage to play around or to chat with us. She sometimes bring her younger innocent brother and make fun of him ~.~
This is weird but I don't know why, the scenes I saw in this past life reading were mostly hilarious. I once saw my brother carrying a bucket of water from the river, but since it's very slippery he fell down and got wet. I laugh very hard that I pissed him off, so he eventually pulled me and pushed me into the river. and so we had this playful water fight until both of us got very wet while the weather was cold -.-
Yet from the rest of my past lives (in the earth), this one is my favorite. Even if the scenarios here were simple and I was not living a fancy life like I was in the Javanese kingdom or Egyptian era, I was really happy and enjoying life! Maybe it's because I did something that I really love (making handcrafts) and I own a very caring yet annoying brother (which is now playing a role as one of my elder best guy friend -_-").
Oh, and there was also the time where I seemed to live outside the earth, somewhere upon the stars. I remembered the place very clearly, it was unlike the earth. It is very powerful and magical, and life was so peaceful back then. The houses were beautifully made in a half-large-pearl-like and the grass were in silver color. In the middle of the place, there was a large crystal auditorium where I found many people sitting in silence. I could feel their powerful energies floating around a giant blue and immortal fire. People doesn't communicate physically in here, each of them are very emphatic and telepathic.
Well it's such a pleasure to share this in my blog! I've been waiting to write about this :D These are my past life experiences, what's yours?